Questions tagged as 'json'


I can not use the json return in php

Good morning, I have the following problem, using an api php. I make a call that returns me: Then when I give echo var_dump () says to be string (27398), I then do json_decode () and do a print_r (var_dump ()); and says NULL, so I have...
asked by 15.05.2017 / 10:43

Problem in consuming JSON with AngularJS

I'm trying to run a test to get the data from a JSON file but I'm not getting it.    app.component.html </div><div ng-app="appCursos" ng-controller="meusCursos"> <ul> <p> {{ }}</p> </ul&...
asked by 07.04.2018 / 08:27

What is the best way (including frameworks) of working with JSON files? Using Javascript [closed]

Folks, I have to list some data based on a json and also use some control structures with properties of that file, so what is the best way to work with them? if possible explain how to move from a .json file (without writing all of it in the cod...
asked by 17.07.2016 / 01:55

Query on Json file

I am making a listing of cities and states via JSON . I always create a table in the database to return this information. But today I'm making it to the JSON file. The layout of the states file: [{"ID": "1", "Nome": "Afonso Cláudi...
asked by 18.09.2017 / 03:58

How to extract index data from this array?

I'm developing a real estate site and I'll use the REST feature. The code below returns me one by one the properties registered in the server software as can be seen here > . $dados = array( 'fields' => array(...
asked by 24.11.2015 / 21:33

Insert N comments, having the option to edit them at any time and then save those comments [closed]

I am doing the registration part of a system, in this register it is possible to save several comments and edit them as we enter them or later, however it should work as follows, the user inserts the data, on the same screen , it clicks Include...
asked by 16.11.2015 / 12:52

Paste element using json python

I am using the following code to try to get what is written inside definition , located in list import requests import json word = "salut" page = requests.get("" + word) gotcha = page....
asked by 10.01.2018 / 22:36

Extract json information in php

Personal I have following code: <?php $key = "*****************"; $forcast_days='5'; $city = '-30.1087957,-51.3169879'; $url ="$key&q=$city&days=$forcast_days&="; $ch = curl_init();...
asked by 02.01.2017 / 12:52

Retrieve JSON values in Javascript

I have to create a JSON from a first JSON. { "event":"comprou", "timestamp":"2016-09-22T13:57:31.2311892-03:00", "revenue":250, "custom_data":[ { "key":"store_name",...
asked by 28.09.2018 / 18:00

How do I get the name of the properties of a JavaScript or JSON Object?

{ "Ficha":[ { "nome":"nome", "sobrenome":"sobrenome", "idade":"idade", "endereco":"endereco", "empresa":"empresa", "telefones":[ { "residencial":"residencia...
asked by 19.06.2015 / 20:20