Questions tagged as 'json'


Receiving and handling JSON with PHP

Good evening, I'm new to the programming world, I'm getting information from a webservice via json, and now I need to manipulate this json's information, for example, I'd like to just get the [name], someone could give me one north. Thanks in ad...
asked by 16.10.2018 / 03:09

Problems using callback in a ws

I'm implementing integration with a WS that fetches data based on cnpj . When querying WS and requesting a callback , it returns me the following ERROR:    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token: I think you're having a misint...
asked by 24.03.2016 / 15:15

How to get a .JSON from a URL with JS

I looked at some examples of the jQuery documentation, but I still could not. Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-BR"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> <script src="ht...
asked by 28.10.2015 / 18:29

Save variable in JavaScript and pass in the URL of getjSon

Well, I'm new to JavaScript, and I need to save the value of the matricula field in a variable and pass it on the URL of a getJson. how can I do this? follows the code below the two functions: Code to save enrollment variable: $(function($){...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 13:10

WebService Read Script

I'mtryingtomakethiscodework,butintheexcerpt:success:function(retorno){If(retorno[0].erro){$("h2").html(retorno[0].erro); } An error is occurring, and I can not identify what is missing. The message the debu...
asked by 16.01.2018 / 19:13

How to make the value of the input appear in json?

So I'm having doubts here, would it be possible to make the input fields I have play what I typed in a JSON? EX: This would be the form <form role="form" method="post" id="searches" accept-charset="utf-8" action="<?php bloginf...
asked by 20.03.2018 / 02:56

Problem passing some Json messages to Jquery

Well, I have a form that is passed to my PHP via Ajax in Jquery and returns the result via Json to my console. Here's a snippet of code in PHP. if($tabela == 'setup') { if(isset($_POST['nome'])){ $nome = $_POST['nome']; if...
asked by 07.05.2018 / 21:58

ListBox with JSON data - Delphi mobile

I have this data JSON which returns from a webservice query: [{ "id":"1", "usuario":"teste", "senha":"teste", "chave":"d59876jh", "email":"[email protected]" }] I need to popularize the Items of a ListBox...
asked by 05.11.2016 / 02:01

How to get the JSon string without knowing what's in it? [duplicate]

I use jo.getString ("name") to get the value of a JSon file, how do I get this name without having to put the "name" inside getString?     
asked by 16.06.2015 / 23:04

Post Table Title [duplicate]

I have a table that is generated using JSON: <div id="divResult" ></div> The JSON script : $.getJSON("@Url.Content("~/CadLevVisCont/ProcessaLevantamento")", { nmUF: catUF, nmRodovia: catRod, nmAno: catData }, funct...
asked by 22.09.2014 / 14:55