How do I get the name of the properties of a JavaScript or JSON Object?


I wanted to get the "Tab" but when I put a getString("Ficha") returns the complete array.

How do I get just the string "Tab" and then just pick up the String "phones"?

asked by anonymous 19.06.2015 / 20:20

2 answers


You're trying to get the property name of the object, you can do something like this:

var meuObjeto = {"carro": "civic", "casa": "fazenda"};

this will print

["carro", "casa"]

It works in IE 9 or higher.

Or make a for by picking up the keys

for(var k in meuObjeto){

It works in IE 7 or higher

In your example:

var json = {



19.06.2015 / 22:51

This question of yours is very similar to this is another you posted.

Consider verifying the packages class documentation org.json , mainly JSONObject and JSONArray . Even so, see if this answer below will help.

Again, let's consider your JSON, reproduced below:


We have an unnamed object that contains a array of Ficha , so we will construct the reproduction of this JSON as a JSONObject , like this:

final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(json);

After this we will recover the array from Ficha , as follows:

final JSONArray fichas = json.getJSONArray("Ficha");

If we print the contents of fichas using fichas.toString(2) we will have the following output:

  "idade": "idade",
  "endereco": "endereco",
  "nome": "nome",
  "sobrenome": "sobrenome",
  "empresa": "empresa",
  "telefones": [
    {"residencial": "residencial"},
    {"celular": "celular"}

If you also want the array of telefones you will have to recover JSONObject Ficha and then JSONArray telefones , something like this:

final JSONObject ficha = fichas.getJSONObject(i);
final JSONArray telefones = ficha.getJSONArray("telefones");

When we print the contents of telefones using telefones.toString(2) we will have the following output:

  {"residencial": "residencial"},
  {"celular": "celular"}

This is a complete example that generated the outputs shown:

final JSONObject json = new JSONObject(getJSON());
final JSONArray fichas = json.getJSONArray("Ficha");


final int size = fichas.length();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
   final JSONObject ficha = fichas.getJSONObject(i);
   final JSONArray telefones = ficha.getJSONArray("telefones");


To retrieve only existing element names you can use the methods names() or keys()

An example using names() is this:

final JSONArray names = json.names();
final int nSize = names.length();
for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) {
    final Object name = names.get(i);

That will result in this output:



Already one using keys() is this:

final Iterator<String> iKeysIterator = json.keys();
while (iKeysIterator.hasNext()) {

That will result in the same output:



See if the keySet() method is available also, if it is, you can use it as follows:

final Set<String> keys = json.keySet();
for (final String key : keys) {
19.06.2015 / 21:44