What is the best way (including frameworks) of working with JSON files? Using Javascript [closed]


Folks, I have to list some data based on a json and also use some control structures with properties of that file, so what is the best way to work with them? if possible explain how to move from a .json file (without writing all of it in the code) to a javascript object.

asked by anonymous 17.07.2016 / 01:55

1 answer


Pure JS

For modern browsers, just use JSON.parse

var json = '{"result":true,"count":1}',
    obj = JSON.parse(json);


See supported browsers:




For jQuery:

$.getJSON( "caminho_do_arquivo/arquivo.json", function( data ) {
    // use 'data' aqui

Fallback solution

You can use external libraries like this, for example:



17.07.2016 / 02:17