Retrieve JSON values in Javascript


I have to create a JSON from a first JSON.

                "value":"Patio Savassi"

In what I have to create, the structure has to be of this type:

  "timestamp": "2016-10-02T11:37:31.2300892-03:00",
  "revenue": 120.0,
  "transaction_id": "3409340",
  "store_name": "Loja do Pedro"

How can I access transaction_id and store_name ?

asked by anonymous 28.09.2018 / 18:00

1 answer


First Form:

You can create a custom function to format the data any way you want. In the example below, the formatJSON function creates an object with two initial properties ( timestamp and revenue ). After that, a loop is made on the array custom_data , adding the remaining values to the object.

const first = {  
  event: 'comprou',
  timestamp: '2016-09-22T13:57:31.2311892-03:00',
  revenue: 250,
  custom_data: [  
        key: 'store_name',
        value: 'Patio Savassi'
        key: 'transaction_id',
        value: '3029384'

function formatJSON (data) {
  const object = {
    timestamp: data.timestamp,
    revenue: data.revenue

  for (const customData of data.custom_data) {
    object[customData.key] = customData.value;

  return object;


Note that to shorten the code, we can rewrite the formatJSON function, using a new JavaScript feature called destructuring >:

function formatJSON ({ timestamp, revenue, custom_data: data }) {
  const object = { timestamp, revenue };

  for (const { key, value } of data) {
    object[key] = value;

  return object;

Second form:

If you simply want to access the properties store_name and transaction_id , you can do so:

const oldObject = {  
  event: 'comprou',
  timestamp: '2016-09-22T13:57:31.2311892-03:00',
  revenue: 250,
  custom_data: [  
        key: 'store_name',
        value: 'Patio Savassi'
        key: 'transaction_id',
        value: '3029384'

const newObject = {
  timestamp: oldObject.timestamp,
  revenue: oldObject.revenue,
  store_name: oldObject.custom_data[0].value,
  transaction_id: oldObject.custom_data[1].value


Since custom_data is a array , we can access a specific element using its index, using the array[index] notation. To learn more, read this documentation over% with% s in MDN .


Remember that to convert a array to JSON (% with% in JavaScript), use:

JSON.parse('{ "hello": "world" }');

And to transform a JSON (object) into string , use:

JSON.stringify({ hello: 'world' });


28.09.2018 / 18:17