I could not replicate the error message that you got with your code, but an injecting error . When I fixed the problem, I was able to read JSON:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<body ng-app="appCursos">
<div ng-controller="meusCursosController as meusCursos">
<p>{{ cursos.id }}</p>
<p>{{ cursos.content }}</p>
<script type='text/javascript' src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.8/angular.min.js"></script><script>angular.module('appCursos',[]).controller("meusCursosController", ['$http', '$scope', function($http,$scope) {
var baseUrl='http://rest-service.guides.spring.io/greeting';
$http.get(baseUrl).then(function(result) {
$scope.cursos = result.data;
You need to put both $ http and $ scope within the control.
Another alternative would be to not use $ scope and work with this to access / create attributes from / within the control itself:
var baseUrl = #...;
meusCursos = this;
meusCursos.cursos = [];
# ...
meusCursos = result.data;
# ...
And then access them in HTML as meusCursos.cursos.id
and meusCursos.cursos.content