Questions tagged as 'json'


Error consuming JSON: "json parsing error value! doctype of type java.lang.string can not be converted to jsonobject"

I'm trying to consume a JSON in my application. I created a SplashScreen and in it, I'm trying to download the data from the JSON file and send it to my MasterActivity , where, construct a ListView with this data. I'm getting the follow...
asked by 11.11.2017 / 23:17

Angularjs reading JSON positions

I have a JSON of states and cities as follows: { "estados": [ { "sigla": "AC", "nome": "Acre", "cidades": [ "Acrelândia", "Assis Brasil", "Brasiléia", "Bujari", "Capixaba",...
asked by 12.11.2017 / 16:00

Access external webservice with cakephp

I'm trying to make requests in external WebServices with Cake's HttpSocket, the documentation has this example $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket(); // string query $results = $HttpSocket->get('', 'q=cakephp'); // a...
asked by 13.11.2017 / 23:47

Get data from a JSON Api to a Data View Grid

I'm using an Api (Json): API And I would like that when I opened the program I got the api data automatically in the DataViewGrid, how can I solve it? PS: I've already used newsoftjson     
asked by 23.11.2017 / 18:22

Problem uploading Api web in core using entity framework with postgresql

Hello! So I've mapped my classes to the bank, mirrored successfully, and started to build the features of my webservice. With this, I came across the following error:   InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'CadFuncionari...
asked by 13.11.2017 / 01:35

Store the string length of an array

Good morning everyone, I'm trying to get the length of a string from an array store in a variable so I can then use an "if". I use var_dump () where I can know the size of the string but I do not know how to compare that value, that data will be...
asked by 13.12.2017 / 12:05

Angular 4: Error when executing HTTP POST in JSON file: Not Found 404

Good Morning Friends, I'm learning Angular, using version 4.4.6 with Angular-Cli and I'm having trouble using the http post service. First I created a date folder where I stored my json file and added it to the angular-cli.json file. .a...
asked by 08.12.2017 / 14:40

Search MYSQL with PHP and JSON

I have a table in the mysql database that has a genre field with this value: [{"id": 2, "genre_name": "action"}, {"id": 1, "genre_name": "comedy"}] and would like to display all rows containing genre_name with the value...
asked by 17.11.2017 / 18:40

JSON created with PHP pass to JAVASCRIPT

PHP le a CSV file and generates a JSON require __DIR__ . '\autoload.php'; use League\Csv\Reader; $arq = __DIR__ . '\arquivos1111019050.csv'; $reader = Reader::createFromPath($arq, 'r'); $records = $reader->getRecords(); $tmp = new SplTempF...
asked by 08.11.2017 / 18:48

PHP Web Service with INNER JOIN

I'm creating API for consumption in Ionic applications, but I'm struggling for 2 weeks in one of these api's, where I relate data in more than one table with inner join. I tried to do as in my php system, where I add the items in the bank, could...
asked by 10.11.2017 / 18:11