Questions tagged as 'json'


How to send the value of a radio with the user id concatenated?

Good morning my doubts and complex is creating a system that will create card of each registered user, to differentiate the cards each element of the card has the id of the user. I would like to know how to capture the value of the selected radi...
asked by 14.05.2018 / 11:54

Converting JSON to arraylist android

Good afternoon!    I am trying to consume an API in android but I am having difficulty because in the JSON file it brings a category, I tried to add the variable "acronym" but it did not work; the JSON returned in the variable response is this:...
asked by 21.04.2018 / 22:46

c # Json returning backslash

I'm new to web, I'm trying to return a json but it comes with bars like this: {\"NomeUsuario\":\"TESTE\",\"TelefoneUsuario\":\"1111111111\"} How do I make it look like this: {"NomeUsuario":"TESTE","TelefoneUsuario":"1111111111...
asked by 16.04.2018 / 13:30

Return Json with special characters [duplicate]

I am doing a query in the database (Php, Mysql and Ajax), the return of this query is a Json, however all the accents are coming with special characters, I put a log to see the result. Below is the code that fills my array. $sql = mysqli_que...
asked by 26.03.2018 / 22:11

getting the values received from json_decode

So I have this code $result = json_decode($output, true); var_dump($result); It is generating the following. array(3){ [ "status" ]=>string(9)"completed"[ "flights" ]=>array(2){ [ "outbound" ]=>ar...
asked by 28.03.2018 / 01:03

How to map a json string to another json string?

Is there any way to do a maper from a json string to another json string? The goal is to get the value of a json property and set it to another property of the other json. Exe; I have json. { "codigo":0, "descricao":"string",...
asked by 06.04.2018 / 13:55

Arrange json with Eloquent [closed]

My question is this: I want to organize my json so that I can see the Animal and Farm table, but organized, for example: { "animais": { "id": 1, "nome": "Mimosa", "data_nascimento": "2017-04-11 00:00:00", "codigo_bri...
asked by 13.02.2018 / 15:00

How to get the id of an input created by jsonform?

Personal how do I get the id of an input created from a Json with the Jsonforms documentation plugin here. It uses Schemas and Forms to mount the html dynamically, but I am not able to work with the input ids, I need to validate the fields with...
asked by 31.01.2018 / 17:09

Processing information from a json in JavaScript

I'm working with Flowxo doing a BOT for telegram. In it, I need to process some information directly from an API in json format. I can include a JavaScript code in the process. The process works something like this: User sends a message &g...
asked by 01.03.2018 / 17:33

Send JSON post method JavaScript

I have a Restful API written in Java, which has implemented GET and POST methods, tested the methods with the Postman application and are working. Follow the Filter class @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletRespons...
asked by 27.02.2018 / 13:15