Questions tagged as 'json'


form wizard with viacep

I have a problem in autocompletion of the form when putting the cep in the form wizard, in a separate form it works. With form wizard: Noformwizard: JavaScript://chamadadaapideCEPfunctionformulário_cep(){//Limpavaloresdoformuláriodecep.$(...
asked by 27.10.2018 / 03:29

How to insert value of a query into a variable in Shell Script?

I have JSON in a file nomes.txt . JSON is: {"p": { "nome": ["josé","Maria", "carlos","Artur"] }} I want to throw the query value of it into a variable. Show the results: #!/bin/bash ns='cat nomes.txt' echo $ns...
asked by 05.09.2018 / 15:52

JSON return does not return in PHP

I had an API returning the data correctly, but it stopped popping up. The SQL statement when executed in Wrockbrench works. The other APIs follow this same pattern below. But it is not coming back. And I was returning before, I do not know wh...
asked by 05.09.2018 / 20:35

Adding records separated by commas - PHP + MYSQL

In the mysql database I have the following table: Notethatthecolumnfieldisinjsonformat.Ihavemultiplerecordsinasinglefield.Ineedascripttocounteachrecordseparatedbycommasandaddandassigntoavariable.Inthiscasethevariablewouldbesetto6.Inthecodebe...
asked by 07.10.2018 / 23:06

How to repeat equal data using

I'm using the d3.js library and wanted it to read equal data, not overwrite the scales. Here is the code snippet that does this, and an example of my .json file: const months = { //console.log(d.month);...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 16:29

How to include JSON file inside a .JS

I've already searched the forum here, I've got examples ready on other sites, but none of them worked for me. As I said in the title, I am not able to make a link from a .json file into the .js file. This is my file script...
asked by 21.08.2018 / 02:10

Print information from a php file that generates json [closed]

My data.php file generates a json on the screen with the database's data, how could I get the generated json data and print it on a table for example?     
asked by 19.08.2018 / 07:58

Indefinite index in pass-through with AJAX

I am trying to send Blob binary data via Ajax to upload via PHP. However, I am not able to access $ _GET. Returns an error saying undefined index:    responseText: "No images found" When I comment the upload.php die () line:    respons...
asked by 08.08.2018 / 17:25

How to convert JSON to XML in ORACLE 11g?

Good afternoon, I have a problem with my work. I need to create a function in oracle that performs the conversion from json to xml and show the result as a table. I know that version 12 of oracle does this easily, but unfortunately our bas...
asked by 10.09.2018 / 20:56

ASP.Net Web API - JSON without accent% 20% C3% A7

I'm consuming an api but the return JSON does not come with the correct accent. in place of the spice comes% 20, for example. In the request json I even put the encoding.UFT8. How can I code this correctly? private string jsonRequest = @...
asked by 14.08.2018 / 16:23