I have a JSON of states and cities as follows:
"estados": [
"sigla": "AC",
"nome": "Acre",
"cidades": [
"Assis Brasil",
"sigla": "AL",
"nome": "Alagoas",
"cidades": [
"Água Branca",
and continues this way for all states of Brazil.
What I can not do is fill in a < select > (combo) with all states, and after selecting the state to fill another < select > listing all cities in this state.
What I did so far was:
$scope.ListarEstados = function GetEstados(){
var listaEstados = estadosCidadesService.GetEstados();
$scope.ListEstados = response.data.estados.map(function(retAPI){
UF: retAPI.sigla,
NOMEUF: retAPI.nome
o .html
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label">Estado</label>
<select ng-model="estadoscidades.ESTADO" class="form-control">
<option ng-repeat="e in ListEstados">{{e.UF}}</option>
Now the city does not know how to do according to the state selected.
Thank you!