Questions tagged as 'json'


Fill in a chart chart with excel data

I'm creating a dashboard based on an excel sheet, I was able to create the charts using chart.js but I do not know how to get the data to be taken from the worksheet, does anyone know a way to do this? (the graphics I created, typed the value of...
asked by 19.07.2017 / 14:26

Variable returning me undefined which is assigned inside subscribe [duplicate]

In the code below, the variable date is returning me undefined , now if I put console.log (; inside of subscribe returns me with the correct value. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {Http} from '@ang...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 14:47

Return curl with JSON

Hello, I'm trying to return this code in JSON, I just want some specific fields eg: Operator, type, portability and state. <?php //header('Content-type: application/json'); $post = ['tel' => $_GET['enviar'] , 'bto' => 'submit']; $ch...
asked by 10.07.2017 / 16:16

Sign json parameters with digital certificate C #

I'm trying to integrate with a webservice, which requires the message to be encrypted with the PKS7 standard, but when I try to digitally sign the message, I'm getting this error: Exception: The provider was unable to perform the action becau...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 12:54

JSON loads on localhost but not on production [closed]

I'm developing a site project that uses JSON files to feed the dynamic data. On localhost, using XAMPP, the data is loaded but when I upload to a production server the page does not read the JSON files, it returns NULL where the data should appe...
asked by 06.07.2017 / 17:33

Json in format without quotes

Hello, I'm consuming data from a webservice where I generate a json by PHP's json_encode. require_once('../lib/nusoap.php'); $client = new nusoap_client('', true); $result = $client->cal...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 03:25

Script does not continue and hangs

I have the following code done with javascript : <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#loginForm").on("submit", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), $("#signinButton").attr("value", "Autenticando...");...
asked by 30.06.2017 / 20:16

Put Json method to update data

   I have a screen that receives data from another activity in your edittext, how to update this data and send it to my bank using the "put" method, I have a Post code, I will use it as an example, I believe is similar:       "POST" example:...
asked by 05.07.2017 / 20:49

help on github [closed]

Hello, I'm still a baby in the programming universe and this is my first interaction with stackoverflow, so please if I do some bullshit please help me. link to github: Recycle Oil Project I have a project in github, actually a draft pro...
asked by 13.07.2017 / 04:27

Read response in json through fetch with service-worker

I'm implementing a web notification system, using service-worker and other components, in ASP.NET MVC. 1 ° I already have my worker registered and logged into the system. Home 2 ° I can already display notifications. - Missing - Home Corre...
asked by 13.07.2017 / 17:29