Questions tagged as 'css3'


Smooth animation of element type swing via CSS transform

The concept that is trying to reach is the continuous movement on the axis of the X between a value and its representation in negative: So far, this concept has a failure, the animation is performed from 0 degrees to the value given, but t...
asked by 16.12.2014 / 12:47

How to use "and" in CSS3 selectors?

I'm trying to select only inputs whose class starts with "btn_" and also has type="button" . Example: input[type="button"] **&&** [class^="btn_"] Is it possible to do this?     
asked by 21.10.2014 / 21:24

How do one column occupy the rest of the available space?

I would like two blocks within a parallel-sized div, one with a fixed size, and another that fits exactly in the remaining space. For example: div#container { width: 50%; /* este tamanho se altera */ height: 100px; } #esquerdo { widt...
asked by 08.04.2015 / 06:27

How to do with CSS a paragraph with capitular letter (Drop Caps)

I'd like to stylize only the first letter of each paragraph in my text, but I do not want to have to separate that letter with a <span> because I want to keep the correct semantics of the word, and not have to "break" with a tag....
asked by 31.10.2018 / 13:14

Calculate the number of elements with CSS

I am making a numbered list with countdown counters using counter-reset . I currently place the number of items in the list manually: .faq { counter-reset:my-counter 2; } .faq dt { counter-increment: my-counter -1; } .faq dt:before {...
asked by 06.10.2014 / 12:59

What is the pseudo class's usefulness: root?

I'm learning about pseudo-structural classes, but I have not found an article about this pseudo-class yet, and I've only found it in English.     
asked by 12.12.2016 / 22:15

Good CSS practices for Responsive Height. Is it armengue or not?

I made this code that makes height responsive, it fits according to the size of the viewport. (Run the snippet and resize the screen.) Since html and body have a height: 100% , I set up a basic skeleton with 3 di...
asked by 03.08.2016 / 18:11

How not to apply opacity on a child element?

I have a div with opacity applied, but this div has a child element. I do not want opacity to be applied to these child elements, would I have some way to solve it? Example: link Link code: .div-pai{ width: 400px; height: 400...
asked by 03.02.2014 / 13:32

Is there any difference between clip property and overflow?

Studying the clip property I came across the following statement:    The clip quer property works similarly to overflow   with some differences. This gave me some doubts: Is this a true statement? What would these diff...
asked by 18.04.2017 / 03:32

Open DIV after clicking a Button with Link

I would like to know how to create, in CSS3, Javascript or Jquery, a button that, upon clicking it, reveals a DIV on it, and that a new page with target _blank is opened. I've done enough research, found some things, but nothing concrete. Of...
asked by 14.11.2014 / 19:22