Questions tagged as 'css3'


What does - specified in: bootstrap css root?

It's just a question that came up when you snooped the bootstrap css, this is something I do not know and I did not find the answer on google about it ... goes a piece of code: :root { --blue: #007bff; --indigo: #6610f2;...
asked by 15.05.2018 / 17:31

What is the @media selector in CSS?

I would like to understand what the @media selector in CSS is, as I have found it in several codes and wanted to know if it has a specialty.     
asked by 13.12.2017 / 16:44

Abalone shape with CSS how to do? How to make a shape in this half-rounded format?

I'd like to make an element half round, it's not an ellipse, not a circle, and not an element with border-radius . It is a half-rounded way as you can see in the image below and I could not do it with CSS. Itriedtogetthisshakenform,but...
asked by 19.12.2018 / 12:09

How to prevent pseudo-element (before or after) inside a clickable tag?

Is there any way to prevent the pseudo-element ::after or ::before from a <a> link becoming part of the link itself? My idea was to use ::after in a <a> link tag, this ::after would be u...
asked by 04.09.2018 / 20:17

What is the pointer-events property for?

I was researching a way to style the set of <select /> and I came across a solution that used a <label> with the value pointer-events: none . I'd like to know what pointer-events is with the none...
asked by 31.10.2017 / 20:07

How to make a background of balls with CSS?

I was wanting to make a dotted background, like a lot of balls to do background of a site, Example of what I'm trying to do. IsitpossibletoachievethisresultwithCSSonlywithoutneedinganimage?Itriedwithrepeating-radial-gradient,butitd...
asked by 19.10.2018 / 19:53

CSS Reset or Normalize?

I've heard about CSS reset and I'm also aware of Normalize CSS which is a type of reset for browsers to render basic CSS in a standardized way. Looking for the best solution in CSS, I had the doubt: Which one to use?     
asked by 24.11.2015 / 13:18

What is the purpose of the ":: before" and "after" pseudo-elements?

I find many codes that use these pseudo-elements and I get "flying" when I see them. The few tutorials I found on the internet did not explain clearly and I was even more doubtful. After all, what is their purpose / function?
asked by 12.01.2016 / 14:28

How to make a burger menu open from right to left?

I have a hamburguer menu that opens from left to right, however, I would like it to open up from the right to the left, how do I do this? Following is my code below: /* * Open the drawer when the menu ison is clicked. */ var m...
asked by 13.12.2016 / 12:37

Is it possible to apply sound effects in hover or click on css?

Can you give a sound effect when you hover over an object, text, etc.? I wanted to hover over an object with a 'hover' effect to give it a sound effect, any sound that I set, to apply that with Css? or just with JS? .menu{ display:flex;...
asked by 25.05.2018 / 17:56