Questions tagged as 'css3'


What is the difference between Animation and Transition CSS

What is the difference between the animation: and transition: properties of CSS?     
asked by 17.04.2015 / 22:22

Automatic calculation in text box

Good morning. Is there any way for the user to type this in a text box: Does a script run the account automatically and result, in this case, = 1? It is also important that he do this with all operations and that it is in pure javascript....
asked by 02.08.2014 / 16:55

Use "left: -9999px" instead of "display: none"? But why?

I began to wonder about this subject a short time ago. I read in some article, which I can not remember what it is, that by "visibility issue" instead of using display: none or visibility: hidden should be used left: -9999px...
asked by 21.11.2017 / 18:03

How to use @import in a CSS file?

Within a style.css file I'm using the @import url() option to call another file CSS . For example: @import url("/css/fonts.css") Both the file and the path are correct and even then I can not import this CSS . Wher...
asked by 10.03.2014 / 19:59

Change the color of the placeholder without affecting the color of the "value"

In HTML5, we can make use of the placeholder attribute % (English) to give the user a hint about the type of data a given field accepts. To avoid confusion between data actually written by the user and the text with instructions, I wou...
asked by 06.03.2014 / 16:35

Why the colon twice? [duplicate]

p::after What does the 2 points serve twice ( :: )?     
asked by 12.12.2017 / 21:33

Navigation scroll in Bullets

I'm developing a one page scroll site and wanted every bullets I clicked to be active for the page I'm on. This is the example I'm doing the scroll script did not put in yet but wanted to leave the effect of clicking the bullets ready. <n...
asked by 18.02.2014 / 14:46

With CSS to cut a text? Type a cut text effect or broken font?

I was wanting to create a text to use as <h2> in the site, I wanted the form of text to be maintained I do not want an image, because I want to keep the text semantic and accessible. Is there any way to get this result with CSS...
asked by 10.10.2018 / 20:50

How does the display property work?

I've been better researching the functionality (values) display and its features. I realized that she has many possibilities. Some pretty obvious and some rather complex for the novice developer. I think these features are the most con...
asked by 14.03.2017 / 17:30

How to make an animation in CSS with drag effect. Motion blur

I'm trying to put an animated% css in CSS with loader on a page, but I'd like to put a "drag effect" on it as if it blurred a "blur" in> following the element when it moves ... Type this image ButI'veonlybeenabletogethere...Anyoneh...
asked by 25.10.2018 / 15:48