Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


problem with memory in ionic

I'm getting this error: "writeStringToMemory is deprecated and should not be called! Use stringToUTF8 () instead! ion-dev.js? v = 3.1.11: 156". I've researched a lot but found no solution. I get this message when I start the app, after sel...
asked by 14.10.2018 / 17:49

How do I bring a select of values defined in a Controller in angular.js?

Sorry, but I'm a layman and I'm starting! In HTML, I want to display the data defined in a controller's angular class. As below: $scope.tiposCategorias = [ { id: 1, descricao:'Processados'},...
asked by 12.10.2018 / 06:48

How to correctly pass more than one parameter?

I'm filtering products through a select in a modal. I was able to filter by regions: south, north, center and west. But I need to filter by region, filter by product category. So this is my query getProdutosregiao(id, categoria_id) {...
asked by 04.10.2018 / 16:15

Displays value as filter AngularJS

ImadeapagetoqueryrecordsandIhavetwofieldssearchbynameandsearchbyinitialmonthandfinalmonth.Example:IwouldliketoselectthemonthsandadivtodisplaythetotalvalueoftheServiceOrdersforthatmonth(accordingtoexampleimage)...ifsomeonecanhelpwithanexample. /...
asked by 09.10.2018 / 20:35

Customize ion-select options

When I have multiple options within a select, it is not displaying the OK and Cancel buttons correctly. Ihavealreadyaddedclassestotheoptionsbutnothingworked.Cananyonehelpmewiththis?Canyoucustomizetheseoptions?Thanksinadvance.Hmtl<div><...
asked by 08.10.2018 / 14:50

Open applications on Ionic

Hello! I have not found anything updated about this .. I am creating an app and it will have a "FACEBOOK" button an "INSTAGRAM among others .. I would like that by clicking the button, open the facebook application already in the selected profil...
asked by 02.10.2018 / 15:26

Generate Multi-Chart with angular-google-charts

I'm having trouble generating a multi-chart bar with angularjs, with my data coming from the backend json AL: BANRISUL: {APROVADO: 0.28}<br /> BONSUCESSO: {APROVADO: 1.07} PAN: {APROVADO: 1.24} __proto__: Object AM: BANRISUL: {APROVAD...
asked by 02.10.2018 / 14:24

Array vs Object, javascript / angularjs

Hello, I'm trying to work with angularjs and I have to do the following; Make a table be populated with some object fields different make a modal appear populated with different fields depending on the type of object that invokes modal....
asked by 03.10.2018 / 22:10

Table does not display data with PrimeNg and Angular

Good morning, I'm creating a simple table with PrimeNg and Angular where I do a binding with an array of data in the component. In the log I have no error return, but it does not display anything. <div class="ui-g"> <div class="ui-g-1...
asked by 05.10.2018 / 15:34

Create a policy with ng-click and ng-change behavior

Good morning everyone! I have the following problem, I have a combobox and clicking an element will open a modal, if I use ng-change it only calls when I change it ok, if ng-click does not show me the other options. <select ng-model="transa...
asked by 26.09.2018 / 16:47