Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Cart with dynamic options with Angularjs

I have the following problem: how to subtract 2 arrays with angularjs. I have tried in several ways and I have not been able to do this subtraction. I'm creating a product cart with optional dynamic angularjs In this case the client mad...
asked by 03.03.2015 / 00:33

Find element in an array using array.forEach

I have a grid where in each row there is a button to delete the corresponding data. This grid is fed by a json but there is no id. I would like to know how I could do to delete the selected object, the grid being fed by a ng-repeat and to delete...
asked by 25.08.2014 / 22:00

Two-way bind does not work if the model is something like ng-model="" for Kendo UI controls

I have a problem with Kendo UI controls My HTML <input type="text" ng-model="" kendo-numeric-text-box /> <input type="text" ng-model=""> </input> <button ng-click="resetRecord()" >test bind&l...
asked by 17.08.2014 / 16:07

Capture value of an email type field in angular js

I have the following HTML code with AngularJS: <html ng-app> //... <form name="myForm2"> <input type="email" id="email" name="email" ng-model="" required/> <span ng-show="!myForm2.ema...
asked by 18.09.2014 / 17:15

custom filter with AngularJS

Personally, I have the following problem, I have a list of names: $scope.names=["Max", "Tom", "Ralf", "Jerry", "Snow", "Carl"]; I made a normal filter for the input search <ul> <li ng-repeat="name in names | filter: search">...
asked by 18.09.2014 / 20:25

KendoUI stops working while separating AngularJS in a .js file

I'm trying to create a simple KendoUI + AngularJS project. When I use the code below, everything works fine: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>AngularJS</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link href="Conte...
asked by 13.09.2014 / 04:16

Enable / Disable angular buttons with values from api

I have my following screen: The side menu comes from an api List with user permissions I have my classes: public class Menu { public int Id {get;set;} public string Nome {get;set;} } public class Item { public int Id {get;s...
asked by 08.08.2014 / 16:32

form $ setPristine () does not work + AngularJs

I'm trying to do a cleanup on a form, used $ setPristine () from angularJs ... When attempting to clean a form with: $scope.reset = function(){ $scope.form.$setPristine(); $scope.perfilDeAcesso = ''; }; It works normally but I'm...
asked by 31.07.2014 / 06:06

AngularJS Directive: $ scope does not update the UI

Well, I'm trying to filter the books according to the area the person selects. So far so good, I can get the values from the area and the bank, but the UI does not update the listing. HTML <div class="col-lg-12" id="filtros-acervo">...
asked by 28.07.2014 / 19:27

AngularJS Directive using class

I need to create a directive but for the sake of organization I would like to do in a class, but it is giving an error that I can not identify. What I have is the following: My class: class MyDirective restrict: "E" replace: true scop...
asked by 16.10.2014 / 14:33