Create a policy with ng-click and ng-change behavior


Good morning everyone! I have the following problem, I have a combobox and clicking an element will open a modal, if I use ng-change it only calls when I change it ok, if ng-click does not show me the other options.

<select ng-model="transacaoSelecionada" 
    ng-options="transacao as transacao.nome | translate for transacao in transacoes" ng-enter="" ng-change="selecionarTransacao(transacaoSelecionada)" required> 
   <option value="" disabled>{{'SELECIONE_TRANSACAO' | translate}}</option>

If someone can give me an idea how to solve it, I'll be grateful! From now on I add your attention! a hug!

asked by anonymous 26.09.2018 / 16:47

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