Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Difference from $ apply () and $ evalAsync ()

In an application where I have loaded several indicators from a dashboard I am using the $ apply () function to update the data of these indicators but in the console it presents the error "Error: [$ rootScope: inprog]", the function for $ evalA...
asked by 08.11.2018 / 11:43

Console error: Can not bind to 'formGroup' since it is not a known property of 'form'

I'm using Angular 6 and I'm creating a form: The form: <app-layout> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header"> Novo Post </div> <div class="card-body"> <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubm...
asked by 09.11.2018 / 14:23

Search filter without displaying table when loading page

Hello. I have a question regarding filters. I would like a filter similar to that of the code below, but without displaying the table with all the values when loading the page for the first time. Only after the search did the already filtered...
asked by 24.10.2018 / 16:58

AngularJS: Rendering components cause requests loop

I'm working with a legacy project, written in AngularJS 1.5.8 and ASP.NET 4.5. In order to upgrade Project ClientSide to Angular, the first step I had to take was to make the system componentize. However, I'm having a problem when renderin...
asked by 29.10.2018 / 14:30

Put the angularJS switch function inside loop while php

I put the swicth function of the angle, within while in PHP. When executing only the first loop that works the rest, the function does not work. I have already put the names ng-app and ng-controller different all loops, but even so only the firs...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 01:32

Accordion html table

I'm doing an accordion in an html table. I would like that when you click the button just below the three clicked the div card card-body. Some examples of how to do <table class="table table-responsive-sm table-striped font15 mb-0" id="...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 20:24

Save checkboxes marking

I need a solution in the code below: When checking one or more checkboxes I need to save the selected ones and also keep the ones that are already saved / marked; What is happening at the moment that when checking a checkbox, the ones that are a...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 16:39

Full Calendar - SCHUDELLER with C #

I'm trying to popular resurces , to create my calendar, but it is not working, there is no error and I did not display the information, I do not know how to proceed, the data is coming to the screen, follow my code .js !function ($) { "u...
asked by 25.10.2018 / 22:45

CORS error when trying to authenticate an API in localhost

I am trying to access my API that is in localhost. However, when I try to access it, I run into the following error:   Failed to load link : The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values' *, * ', but only one is allowed....
asked by 16.10.2018 / 00:58

How to save a base64 in a mysql database?

I'm creating an application using AngularJS and using webservlets with connection to the mysql database. To generate the binary, I use the following code: $scope.adicionarArquivo = function (element) { var reader = new FileReader();...
asked by 14.10.2018 / 21:55