Questions tagged as 'angularjs'


Add values with AngularJS

I'm trying to add two values. Example valueA 150.00 and valueB 50.00. I've tried to do {{valueA + valueB}} and is returning 150.0050. Can not you sum it up this way? value of ng-repeat and field valueB input     
asked by 11.10.2018 / 00:44

Order rendering problem in repeat loop view

On the Tablet of the Ipad, inside the webview, ng-repeat is cluttered, someone can tell me what's wrong ... because the web works normal. <div id="content" class="content-olimpiadas"> <div class="container-olimpiadas whith-men...
asked by 27.09.2018 / 22:29

How to create a non-global variable?

How do I create an initial variable to write old data, and after editing on the form, make sure it is different? Code: app.controller("ModalController", ["$scope",function($scope){ var fixa = [$scope.elemento_mutavel].slice()[0]; if...
asked by 26.09.2018 / 23:28

AngularJS custom service does not work

I'm new to AngularJS and I'm trying to make a simple CRUD. I'm trying to pass data from one screen to another using a service, but it does not work and I can not figure out why. Follow my code. Follow my code var app = angular.module("app",...
asked by 27.09.2018 / 13:38

Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds with setInterval

Speak, I'm trying to make a simple stopwatch and I want to display Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds, I can display minutes and seconds, but can anyone give me a light on milliseconds? The method below runs every second, but if I put instead...
asked by 25.09.2018 / 00:25

Use variable angularjs in iframe

I know there is a question similar to mine, however the use was different and did not work the example that was mentioned. I need to get a variable from my database that has the url and pass to be shown in the iframe. Here is the whole cod...
asked by 21.09.2018 / 07:07

How do I set the dropzone JS to receive an image just by typing the CTRL + V, so that it accepts text and images together?

I was observing the outlook and the edit field of the email receives images via CTRL + V, searching I found that this would be a dropzone component. I would like to know how to configure. Below the example of Outlook.     
asked by 25.09.2018 / 21:05

Remove whitespace from item-ion

I have a list of dynamically searched items from the database <ion-list *ngFor="let associado of associados" class="card-pessoa" no-padding> <ion-item no-padding class="card-pessoa"> <ion-thumbnail item-start class="pessoa"&...
asked by 19.09.2018 / 21:26

How to edit using AngularJS

I am studying AngularJS and I was able to create a table receiving the MySQL database data. Now I need to learn how to edit the data. I was able to put a modal and clicking the edit button opens, but I do not know how to pull the data. d...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 16:25

AngularJs $ scope.variable in function is returning undefine

I started to study about angular and realized that when trying to get the value of a variable inside a function its value is being returned as undefined . Only when I try to get the value does this occur, now if I try to set the value it works...
asked by 18.09.2018 / 14:37