YouTube Shorts è arrivato in Italia: come funziona

Dopo una lunga fase di test, svolta da una ristretta lista di creator selezionati, YouTube Shorts ora è disponibile per tutti anche in Italia: ecco come funziona l’alternativa Google a TikTok.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

Sbarca in Italia YouTube Shorts, costola di YouTube che punta tutto proprio sugli Shorts, ovvero video brevi di rapida fruizione. After a short running-in phase that involved only a small part of users, now the feature is available for all those who want not only to watch, but also to make quick clips in TikTok style.

For some time now, users of the application have had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with YouTube Shorts. In fact, the section was already present in the home for viewing while the making and editing of movies had been reserved exclusively for a few carefully selected creators. Now, Shorts arrives (albeit in beta version) in 100 countries, giving carte blanche and free rein to the imagination of members to give life to their original creations to share with web surfers, following what already happens with the Chinese platform that has made the format its hallmark.

YouTube Shorts, how it works

Like any good creation tool, YouTube Shorts provides some useful features to be able to make your own short movies. These are clips with a maximum duration of 15 or 60 seconds, which can be selected by clicking on the number above the record button. The presence of a multi-segment camera also allows you to start, stop and resume shooting at different times, within the maximum time allowed.

From the shooting screen you can upload movies previously made, either with the front cam or with the one on the back of the device, or play with the settings to be applied afterwards. Before recording, the user can already choose from a number of options, such as image capture speed, which allows you to slow down or speed up playback, or select the background music from the YouTube library created in collaboration with 250 record labels from around the world.

There are also 20 color filters to adjust and apply during shooting or afterwards (if already used during recording, it cannot be deleted during editing). Last is the ghost-shaped icon, “Align”, which maintains the alignment between the different segments. If you’re satisfied with the result, you can move on to the real changes, with a similar but enhanced editing tool.

Then proceed with the adjustments to the music track, the insertion and management of the overlay text (buttons “Text” and “Sequence”), with different styles and colors according to the creator’s tastes, until you act further – or for the first time – on the toning. Another detail not to be underestimated, given the opportunities offered on par with the valid editors on the devices.

It is not entirely new but it will surely be loved by users: we are talking about the sampling of audio tracks of videos already uploaded to Shorts. Currently it hasn’t been released yet, but this feature will allow you to remix and have fun with the funniest clips, for always new projects.

YouTube Shorts, official date

According to official sources, YouTube Shorts will arrive on Italian smartphones starting tomorrow, July 14. Owners of Android smartphones and iPhones who have recently updated the app can already have a preview of the new creation tool by tapping on the “+” button at the bottom of the screen.

Shorts have already appeared in the official application for the two operating systems and, in the near future, it will be possible to monetize this particular content that is very popular with the public. This leaves room for future changes and implementations, for a section that will certainly evolve over the next few months to keep up with the times.