World Emoji Day 2019, here are the new emoticons coming

On World Emoji Day, Apple and Google have made official the arrival of about fifty new emoticons: here’s what they are

Today, July 17, 2019, as has been customary for three years now, we celebrate World Emoji Day, the event conceived by Jeremy Burge, the creator of the Emojipedia portal, which celebrates the use of smilies in everyday online communication: from posts on Facebook, to pictures on Instagram to conversations on WhatsApp.

And to coincide with World Emoji Day 2019, both Apple and Google have announced a series of new emoticons that will soon be available on their devices. Specifically, these are smilies dedicated to inclusivity and diversity, including guide dogs, prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs, including more emoticons dedicated to ethnicities and different sexual genders. In più spazio alle emoji che ritraggono elementi della cultura indù. Nuovi animali, un’inedita selezione di cibi e oggetti vari, in totale sono ben 59 le emoji rilasciate che diventano 230 se si considerano le variazioni sul tema. Al momento i due colossi statunitensi non hanno ancora ufficializzato la data di rilascio delle nuove emoji, ma per quanto riguarda la casa di Cupertino è lecito pensare che saranno “comprese” in iOS 13, aggiornamento atteso per la fine di settembre.

Il lavoro del Consorzio Unicode

emoji-2019.jpgFonte foto: Apple

Le nuove emoji in arrivo su iPhone e Android

Lo standard Unicode rende possibile ad un’unica versione di un software o di un sito web di essere fruibile con piattaforme e lingue di paesi differenti. Ed è proprio il caso delle nostre tanto amate emoticon. Last May, the Unicode Consortium had already unveiled the new emoji that would soon be available to all users, without however talking about the timing. But the Unicode team is planning to go one step further. In an article published on the blog of the international consortium, it talks about the possibility of creating a feature that will allow you to change the color of emoji that do not depict a human subject. A further development in the world of emoticons expected, perhaps, for next year when the new Unicode 13.0 specifications will be released.