World Earth Day: documentaries and movies not to be missed

April 22 marks Earth Day, a day to dedicate to the Planet. Here’s what movies, documentaries and content to watch in streaming and on TV.

April 22, 2021 marks the 51st World Earth Day, an appointment that especially since the outbreak of the pandemic has certainly taken on an even more important value. In fact, the health and economic crisis has made it clear what the priorities of the universal population are, namely the need to protect the environment and find sustainable solutions that allow us to avoid planetary emergencies.

To fully immerse yourself in this important day and understand how everyone can contribute to the preservation of the Planet you can watch many movies and documentaries streaming on platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and the like. In addition, Sky has organized a special programming for Thursday, April 22 with many films, documentaries but also animated films suitable for children. In short, the titles and appointments are really many. Everyone can find something ideal for their tastes and passions.

Earth Day: what to watch in streaming

The objective of Earth Day is to raise awareness of the world population on issues related to environmental sustainability. There are many movies, series and documentaries that allow you to better understand what is the state of health of the planet and the risks of bad eating and living habits. In addition, the content allows each of us to understand what to do to improve the situation.

One docu-film that has been much talked about in recent weeks is Seaspiracy and is available on Netflix. A filmmaker who is passionate about the oceans documents what damage is being done to the marine environment by humans. Pollution now seems out of control and is leading to a real devastation of the oceans and marine species.

Those who particularly love content of this type, on Netflix can find several interesting titles: from the documentary David Attenborough: a life on our planet, to My Friend at the Bottom of the Sea, a film nominated for the Oscars 2021.

Subscribers to Amazon Prime Video instead can watch the film I am Greta – a force of nature. La pellicola racconta la missione della studentessa svedese che dal 2018 lotta per il clima.

Approfitta della prova gratuita per vedere su Prime I am Greta – una forza della natura

La programmazione di Sky per la Giornata della Terra

Il 22 aprile, Sky ha pensato a una programmazione speciale dedicata totalmente alla Giornata della Terra, disponibile anche in streaming su NOW.

Sky TG24 parlerà di cambio climatico e della transizione energetica nei diversi approfondimenti che andranno in onda per tutta la giornata. Su Sky Cinema Family alle 21:15 ci sarà il film d’animazione Trash, che sensibilizza i più piccoli sull’importanza del riciclo dei rifiuti. Segue alle 14:50 la maratona di sei film per tutta la famiglia.

  • Arctic – Un’avventura Glaciale
  • Ailo – Un’avventura Tra I Ghiacci
  • Deep – Un’avventura In Fondo Al Mare
  • La Marcia Dei Pinguini: il Richiamo
  • In Kayak verso Casa

Su IaF (Canale 135 di Sky) dalle 21:15 ci sarà Another World: Un Altro Mondo è Possibile. Segue il documentario della BBC intitolato 7,7 Miliardi: Come si vive sulla Terra? e alle 23:10 il docu-film 2040 – Salviamo Il Pianeta! ambientato nel futuro.

Infine, nei canali di National Geographic (Canale 403 di Sky) il pubblico potrà guardare tanti documentari sulla flora e la fauna del nostro Pianeta.

Insomma, i contenuti sono davvero tanti e disponibili su varie piattaforme e servizi tv. Non rimane che premere su play e celebrare al meglio la Giornata Mondiale della Terra.