When you can’t do outdoor workouts or go to the gym, home workout apps can be a real lifesaver. The best fitness apps on the market can provide you with a personalized workout based on parameters such as age, weight, height, and constitution while also taking into account the time you have available and your fitness level. In addition, you can set your own goals and decide how long to achieve them based on the days you want to dedicate to training.
Hundreds of exercise apps are now available on the respective Apple and Google Stores, and there’s something for everyone: from intensive training to stretching, from specific programs that focus mainly on certain parts of the body to yoga and resistance training plans. Libero Tecnologia has selected for you the best apps for working out at home that will allow you to stay fit and feel good. Downloading the app for your indoor workout is quick and easy, you just need to decide which one.
Training at home: the best fitness apps
As anticipated above, the workout apps that can be found online are really a lot and it is often difficult to choose. So here’s a list of the best workout apps selected by Libero Tecnologia. While all of them are highly valid, each app differs not only in its interface, but also in the types of workouts it proposes, so choose the one that suits you best!
Nike Training Club
The Nike Training app, developed by the famous manufacturer of sports clothing and accessories, is available for both iOS and Android devices and is 100% free. It can be said without any doubt that it is one of the most comprehensive apps, perfect for anyone. Inside you will find over 150 workouts available and you can choose not only the number of weekly workouts you would like to perform, but also the different intensities of the same. For easier understanding and correct execution each exercise is explained through a video tutorial. The app’s data can be synchronized with Google Fit and Nike Run Club.
The interface, practical and intuitive, is divided into three sections: the first is composed of a series of recommended workouts based on the data entered by the user in the startup phase, while in the Explore section you can find many types of workouts (specific exercises for muscle groups, free body or workouts for professional athletes), the third session contains a series of workouts aimed at improving specific aspects of your body. The app also gives you the option to choose the same workouts performed by professional athletes and offers yoga sessions to improve muscle elasticity and recover better after your workout.
Adidas training
Adidas training by Runtastic is another free app that helps you structure a personalized workout plan based on your needs and the goals you want to achieve over time. It’s perfect both for those who simply want to stay in shape and for those who want to lose weight or gain muscle mass. Among the various options you’ll also be able to decide the intensity of movement according to your resistance capacity.
Also in this case the programs to choose from are numerous and vary a lot according to the duration. Gli esercizi sono accompagnati da un allenatore vocale, che ti aiuterà a tenere il ritmo e a eseguire correttamente i movimenti senza rischiare di farsi male o sbagliare qualcosa.
Sfida fitness 30 giorni
Come è possibile intuire già dal nome, quest’app di allenamento permette di impostare un piano personalizzato di attività giornaliera per avere risultati visibili già dopo soli 30 giorni di allenamento. Anche quest’applicazione è disponibile sia per i dispositivi Android che per iOS e gli esercizi sono accessibili gratuitamente senza l’obbligo di effettuare registrazione alcuna. Tra gli allenamenti disponibili potrai scegliere:
- l’allenamento per tutto il corpo, che ti permette di svolgere un workout completo utilizzando tutti i muscoli del tuo corpo;
- l’allenamento per l’addome, per chi vuole avere un ventre piatto e definito;
- l’allenamento per i glutei, che permette di rassodare e migliorare la forma dei glutei;
- l’allenamento per le braccia, per chi vuole rafforzare le spalle e avere braccia definite;
- l’allenamento per le gambe, che permette di allenare i gruppi muscolari delle gambe.
Anche qui la pratica voce guida ti aiuterà a eseguire meglio gli esercizi e seguire bene il tempo, dandoti utili consigli durante l’esecuzione. Potrai infine salvare i tuoi progressi e tenerne traccia visualizzandoli nel calendario integrato dell’app.
Sworkit è un’applicazione validissima per eseguire il tuo allenamento in casa senza alcun bisogno di attrezzi specifici e può considerarsi di sicuro tra le migliori app di allenamento. Permette di eseguire workout che vanno da quelli più semplici dalla durata di soli 5 minuti a quelli più impegnativi, adatti ai più sportivi, che possono avere una durata massima di 60 minuti. You can download the app for free on both Android and iOS devices, but to get access to all the workouts you’ll need to activate a Premium subscription.
Once you’ve registered for the app, after entering data such as age, gender, weight and units, you can fill out a handy questionnaire to set goals to achieve. Experienced exercisers can choose their own individual workouts, while beginners will find a handy guided plan. Apple Watch owners can view their workouts and progress directly on the Apple Watch.
Google Fit
A health-tracking app that uses the motion sensors in smartphones and popular fitness trackers to keep a diary of your daily physical activities. You can then monitor not only your workouts, but also your goals and receive a workout plan that suits you, with personalized suggestions. The Google Fit app can also connect not only to some of your activity tracking devices but also to your favorite apps. This way you can always keep track of your progress. The devices and apps integrated with Fit: Lifesum, Wear OS by Google, Nike+, Runkeeper, Strava, MyFitnessPal, Lifesum, Basis, Sleep as Android, Withings, Xiaomi Mi Band and more.
Sweat: Kayla Itsines Fitness
Developed by fitness queen Kayla Itsines, Sweat is the workout app dedicated specifically to women. Like the others, the app offers different workout programs for every level (some even dedicated to new mothers who want to get in shape). You can also download the in-depth eBook on fitness, health and nutrition, monitor your loss, take advantage of lots of recipes and nutritional advice. The app, however, is paid for, but offers a free seven-day trial period at the end of which you can deactivate the subscription.
Down Dog
For those looking for a softer workout that helps the mind and body relax there is Down Dog, an app that allows you to practice yoga while staying at home. You can explore different practices such as the classic Hatha or more modern ones such as Ashtanga, Gentle, Restorative, Chair, Yin, Greetings to the Sun and Vinyasa. Down Dog’s workout is also very dynamic and allows you to build a different yoga practice every day thanks to over 60,000 different configurations, so you’ll never get bored!
Exercise at Home
Perfect for those who want to strengthen and develop their muscles, the Exercise at Home app provides free body workouts, without any need for equipment. It offers daily workout programs, made by experienced personnel, functional for the development of all major muscle groups. Just a few minutes a day will be enough to tone your muscles and feel better.
The workouts also include warm-up and stretching exercises, explained in detail through videos and animations (obviously present for the other exercises as well) to ensure their best execution. Training progress is automatically recorded and there is the possibility of following the progress of your weight through graphics. I promemoria ti aiuteranno a ricordarti di allenarti ogni giorno e potrai condividere i tuoi progressi con gli amici e tramite i social media.
Consigli per un allenamento funzionale
Una volta scaricata l’app di allenamento che preferisci e stabilito il programma più adatto a te puoi iniziare a mantenerti in forma restando a casa! Allenarsi bene però è molto importante per vedere buoni risultati. Ecco alcuni consigli utili per la fase pre e post allenamento:
- non saltare mai il riscaldamento: aiuta a prevenire il rischio di infortuni, prepara il corpo all’allenamento e migliora la flessibilità generale;
- fai uno spuntino prima e dopo: è consigliabile fare uno spuntino leggero qualche ora prima dell’allenamento per assicurare al corpo l’energia necessaria. Mezz’ora dopo l’allenamento invece è importante consumare cibo per avviare il recupero muscolare.
- bevi tanta acqua: l’idratazione prima, durante e dopo l’attività fisica è importantissima. Mantenendo il corpo idratato non solo svolgerai al meglio gli esercizi senza affaticare troppo il tuo corpo, ma eviterai anche il rischio di avere dolorosi crampi;
- non dimenticarti lo stretching dopo aver finito l’allenamento! In questo modo renderai i tuoi muscoli più flessibili e aiuterai il tuo corpo a recuperare al meglio;
- sii costante: che tu voglia solo mantenerti in forma oppure hai deciso di allenarti per perdere peso o tonificare il tuo corpo ricordati che la costanza è fondamentale per vedere dei buoni risultati.