The film is directed by Andrea De Sica, director of the TV series Baby. In the cast Alice Pagani and Rocco Fasano, star of Skam Italia. Here’s where and how to watch it.
Great anticipation for the new film Non mi uccidere (Don’t kill me) by Andrea De Sica, grandson of the great Vittorio but also director of Baby, a very successful Italian TV series available on Netflix. The film has been dubbed as the “Italian Twilight” for the topics covered. In fact, it focuses on an intense love story between two very different teenagers.
The film is freely based on the homonymous novel by Chiara Palazzolo and tells the story of the relationship between Mirta and Robin, played respectively by Alice Pagani and Rocco Fasano. The former was the co-star of Baby together with Benedetta Porcaroli. Rocco Fasano, on the other hand, has already worked in the cast of another famous Italian teen series, Skam Italia. In short, the couple has already intrigued the audience. Once again, Andrea De Sica pauses to analyze and narrate the dark side of adolescence, just as he has already done in Baby and I figli della notte. Don’t Kill Me is a dark love story set in Italy, definitely a novelty in the Italian film scene. The film can be watched on demand on many streaming platforms.
Trama of the film Non mi uccidere
Everything begins with the magical encounter between Mirta (Alice Pagani) and Robin (Rocco Fasano), who represent respectively the day and the night, the brightness and the darkness. She is a sweet and gentle girl, while he is a rebellious soul, handsome and damned. They love each other madly and Mirta soon becomes involved in the boy’s lifestyle.
They make a suicide pact promising to return and stay together forever. However, when Mirta wakes up she discovers that she has become a nocturnal creature, just like Robin, who feeds on human flesh. Insieme fuggono da un enorme minaccia, la setta dei benandanti, e cercano di proteggersi grazie al loro amore.
La pellicola mischia così diversi generi: dal teen drama al romantico, passando per il thriller e l’horror.
Il regista Andrea De Sica ha descritto così il progetto:
«è una nuova fase nel mio percorso che si rivolge ai ragazzi stessi. C’è una componente fantasy è vero ma è soprattutto l’amore il tema portante di questa storia, un amore oltre la morte che serve da espediente per raccontare la rabbia e la disillusione che accompagnano il passaggio all’età adulta».
Film Non mi uccidere: dove guardarlo in streaming
A causa delle restrizioni legate al Covid-19, il film non può uscire nelle sale cinematografiche. Si potrà dunque guardare in streaming su diverse piattaforme in modalità on demand, quindi a pagamento:
- Amazon Prime Video
- Apple Tv app
- Youtube
- Google Play
- TimVision
- Chili
- Rakuten Tv
- PlayStation Store
- Sky Primafila
- Mediaset Play Infinity
- Microsoft Film & TV
Per acquistarlo basterà avviare uno dei servizi, cercare il tutolo, selezionare l’opzione acquista o noleggia e inserire i dati per il pagamento. Dopo la transazione sarà quindi possibile guardare il film.