WhatsApp, how broadcast messages work

Find out how to use WhatsApp broadcast lists to send the same message to multiple users without creating a new group

Broadcast lists is one of the most useful features of WhatsApp, but one that few people know about and use. The fault, probably, is the fact that it is hidden within the app’s menu. Using WhatsApp broadcast lists allows you not only to save time, but also to avoid creating useless WhatsApp groups, which as you well know only increase stress.

If you’re wondering what WhatsApp broadcast lists are, the answer is very simple. It is a feature that allows you to send the same message to multiple people without having to create an ad hoc group and without having to copy and paste the message in dozens of different conversations. Creando una lista broadcast, il messaggio verrà inviato a tutti i partecipanti della lista, ma all’interno della singola chat. Lo stesso accade per le risposte: verranno inviate alle singole conversazioni e non ci creerà il caos tipico dei gruppi. Le liste broadcast di WhatsApp sono molto utili per inviare gli inviti alle feste oppure per comunicazioni importanti a lavoro. Ecco come inviare un messaggio broadcast WhatsApp.

Come creare lista broadcast WhatsApp

Prima di creare un broadcast su WhatsApp è necessario rispettare due requisiti:

  • I contatti a cui inviare il messaggio broadcast devono aver salvato il nostro nome in rubrica
  • Il numero massimo di persone a cui poter inviare un messaggio broadcast è di 256

A questo punto è possibile creare la lista broadcast. La procedura è leggermente differente su Android e iPhone.

Su Android bisogna lanciare l’applicazione, premere l’icona con i tre puntini in alto a destra e poi toccare la voce “Nuovo broadcast“. It will open the list with all the contacts saved in the address book and you’ll have to select the people you want to send the message to. Once the people have been selected, the list will be created and added to the “Chat” tab of the application. To send the message, just enter the conversation and write the text. The message will be delivered to every single participant of the broadcast list.

On iOS the procedure to follow is very similar. From the “Chat” section you need to press on “Broadcast Lists” and then on “New List”. At this point you need to select the contacts in your address book and finally press “Create”. You will find the broadcast list in the “Chat” section of the application.

How to edit a WhatsApp broadcast list

Broadcast lists can be customized by entering a name (as you do in groups) and adding or removing one or more participants. To do this, just go into the broadcast settings and press on “Broadcast list info”. This will open a new tab where you can change the name of the list, or add or remove participants.

How to delete a WhatsApp broadcast list

If you don’t need the broadcast list anymore, you can delete it very easily: just select it from the “Chat” section and click on the trash icon.