Twitter tests Trusted Friends: what changes for privacy

Twitter would be ready to launch a new level of privacy: you will be able to select the profiles that can see our tweets, as it already happens on Facebook.


Giuseppe Croce Journalist

Peppe Croce, journalist since 2008, deals with electronic devices and new technologies applied to the automotive world. He joined Libero Tecnologia in 2018.

While waiting for the final launch, Twitter begins testing its new feature dedicated to sharing chirps between a few intimates. It is called “Trusted Friends” and will allow to read the short texts that characterize the platform exclusively to a small circle of people, selected by the user. This is, in a nutshell, the equivalent of the lists of friends on Facebook.

According to what we learned from TechCrunch, the feature is part of a series of concepts on which the development team of Twitter is working and that, if tested and deemed valid, could end up in the coming months among the options available in our profiles. For the social of the blue bird is a period of great turmoil. Just recently it has launched in a limited way, at least at first, the subscription plans that will allow the most virtuous creators to monetize the presence in the network through the programs “Super Follows” and “Ticketed Spaces”, respectively dedicated to ad hoc content for supporters (and backers) and virtual events with access ticket.

Twitter Trusted Friends, how it works

Unlike other social networks, Twitter does not allow you to reserve your messages to a limited group of followers. There are only two possibilities: one is to allow everyone to read the tweet or, by setting the profile to “private”, you can choose to entrust the consultation of the posts published only to those who follow the account.

With “Trusted Friends” you can create a specific audience for each piece of content, excluding others whether they are members or not. This will be done at the user’s discretion, similar to what already happens with Instagram stories by opting before posting for the setting called “Closest Friends,” effectively a selection populated by users already followed.

This could be joined by another feature, originally called “Reply Language Prompts.” This reminds those responding to tweets to maintain proper language and friendly tones. It is, however, a simple reminder as it does not make any block on the text nor will it allow to obscure comments deemed inappropriate by the account owner.

Trusted Friends, it is not the only novelty waiting for us

“Trusted Friends” would not be the only feature on which the developers are engaged. In fact, in addition to the limitations on publications, there are also the so-called “Facets”. According to the first previews, the “facets” (i.e. labels for cataloging) will allow profiles to assign a category to the tweets published, from private life to work, sports, leisure and more. In this way, readers will be able to select the label of greatest interest and limit themselves to the reading of certain specific topics.

We find ourselves in front, therefore, of a further possibility of personalization entrusted to the subscriber that the platform has decided to make available to make the user experience even more unique during fruition, both for the authors of the content, who can decide what to keep away from prying eyes, and for others. You just have to wait and see which functions will become definitive after the study and test phase, testing personally the effectiveness of the new additions.