The AirPods, one month after arriving in stores – online and offline – already holds 41% of the market share in the wireless headphones sector
The Apple AirPods, despite delays and some initial technical hiccups, are selling and a lot too. One of the reasons, in addition to being an Apple product, is perhaps the lack of a 3.5mm jack on millions of iPhones 7: a large customer base just waiting for a wireless audio solution.
Apple, in just over 30 days, has reached and exceeded the market share of Beats and Bose, and literally annihilated smaller competitors. A report compiled by Slice Intelligence reports that 75 percent of headphones sold in the U.S. market over the holiday period were wireless, with Apple leading the way, especially on Black Friday. The report points out that the sale of AirPods – at least through the end of last year – was so disruptive that it can only really be called an unprecedented feat. And the report stops at the end of December.
Apple “felt” it was the right time
(Taken from YouTube)
But let’s crunch some numbers to understand how it’s happening in the wireless headphone industry. Apple, at the moment, holds 26% of the market share in the wireless sector, competing with the likes of giant Bose that, dragged by the Cupertino company, saw its market share grow from 10.5% to 16.1% after the release of AirPods on the market. Beats, which has always been a leader in the sector, dropped from 24.1% to 15.4% after the appearance of Apple’s product. Other wireless headset manufacturers, such as Jaybird and Plantronics, plummeted from 7.5% to 2.5% and 7.8% to 2.2%, respectively, within a few weeks. LG, Sennheiser, Skullcandy e Samsung, che già vendevano poco, hanno subito un ulteriore calo. Se, però, facciamo qualche conto c’è qualcosa che non quadra… perché abbiamo attribuito all’inizio a Apple una quota del 41% e poi solo del 26%? La risposta è semplicissima: Beats, forse non tutti lo sanno, è un’azienda Apple acquistata nel 2014 per circa 3 miliardi di dollari. Se sommiamo, quindi, le due quote, Apple diventa immediatamente, e in un solo mese, il leader incontrastato nel settore delle cuffie senza fili.
Fonte foto: Shutterstock
Premi sull’immagine per scoprire gli altri modelli di cuffie wireless da collegare al proprio iPhone 7
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