Samsung announces Bixby, it will also have a dedicated button on Galaxy S8

Samsung, a few days before the launch of the new smartphone, has made official Bixby its personal assistant that will be managed with voice and gestures

The date of presentation of the new Galaxy S8 is approaching and Samsung begins to release the first officialities. The South Korean giant has presented, in fact, its personal assistant Bixby. The rumor had been circulating on the Net for some time but now it’s official. The artificial intelligence will also have a dedicated button on Galaxy S8.

Samsung thus enters the field of personal assistants for smartphones. The developers of the South Korean giant, however, are sure: “Bixby will have no rivals.” From Samsung, they say that the new artificial intelligence is more complete than others already on the market, such as Siri or Google Assistant, because it will be able to interface and manage actions on many apps, both third-party and present by default on the smartphone. Moreover, Bixby, just like Google Assistant, will know how to give answers and perform actions based on contexts. Samsung’s artificial intelligence will be able to be managed with both voice commands and dedicated gestures.

Bixby’s big steps forward

Bixby makes memory and “cognitive tolerance” its strong points. The first point is about saving the various processes and actions performed. In addition, Bixby will be “tolerant” to questions set without a fixed pattern. The assistant will understand our questions based on the requests even if we do not always use the same formula. As mentioned, the new Galaxy S8 will have a button dedicated entirely to the management of the Samsung-branded personal assistant. Il colosso sudcoreano ha anche rilasciato un SDK (software development kit) in modo che gli sviluppatori di terze parti possano integrare Bixby nei loro servizi. Infine, Samsung ha dichiarato che a breve l’assistente personale sarà integrato nella maggior parte dei dispositivi elettronici dell’azienda. Quindi dalle televisioni fino alle lavatrici.

s8-galaxy-1.jpgFonte foto: Kelvin / Concept Phones

Premi sull’immagine per scoprire come sarà fatto il Samsung Galaxy S8