Sony has just released new system updates for PlayStation 4 that PlayStation 5: solved small bugs and improved performance.
Updates coming for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5: two updates have been released, one for each console of Sony’s house, with different features depending on the platform. If for the new model it is an update dedicated to stability, for the older one we’re talking about a completely new feature.
The launch of the next-gen console of the Japanese giant took place less than a month ago but, since a few hours, users have been able to start downloading another system update completely dedicated. The update comes two weeks after the last one, through which Sony has fixed two particularly serious bugs; the first, concerning an issue related to the unsolicited deletion of disk versions of games, while the second went to fix a defect that prevented the wireless controller connected via USB Type-A port from loading with the console in sleep mode.
PlayStation 5, what does the system update consist of
The update released just a few hours ago for the new console from the Japanese company is mainly dedicated to stability for a better user gaming experience. In the description of the update, which brings the firmware to version 20.02-02.30.00, Sony explains how it is functional for the use of different additional features, but without providing more information, and to be able to count on greater security during use.
In the blog dedicated to the PS5, it is then explained how the connection stability for some wi-fi routers has been improved, as well as bugs related to the cancellation of downloads in progress from PS4 and the insertion of text in native PS4 games. Given the recent market launch, the time for a more substantial update may not yet be quite ripe. For new features and additional behavior in the game and not it is therefore likely that the wait could extend at least until early next year
PlayStation 4, what is the system update
The system software update involving PlayStation 4 is instead of a completely different type. With the update, which brings the firmware to version 8.03, it introduces an interesting new feature, namely allowing the disabling of game chat audio, an option that blocks both outgoing and incoming audio.
In the description of the PS4 firmware updates, Sony correctly explained how the new feature works. “Disable game chat audio has been added under Sounds/Devices in the quick menu. If you enable this setting,” Sony explains in the description, “game chat audio will be disabled. Your voice will not be heard and you will not hear the voices of other players. This setting does not apply to group chat audio.”