Netflix is testing the insertion of advertisements between episodes, there will be no products but only trailers of original productions
The rumors have been going on for months and finally Netflix has really started experimenting with advertisements within the episodes of TV series. For now the ads are displayed only by some users chosen for this first testing phase but in the future it could appear to everyone.
The ads tested for the moment by Netflix do not appear during a movie or a TV series, as it happens for example on television or on some YouTube videos. On Netflix for now the ads are only present in the loading pause between one episode and another of a TV series. Let’s make an example to better understand, let’s say that we are watching on Netflix the first episode of Stranger Things, finished the first episode and waiting for the second to start we will see a short advertisement. It must be said, however, that for now the test concerns only the English-speaking countries, so Italian users will not see in any case the ads on Netflix.
Netflix begins to insert ads in its application
The ads on Netflix will be different from those we are used to on television. There will not, at least for now, be sponsorship of products or services. Netflix will use loading pauses to introduce users to new original movies or TV shows produced by Netflix itself. Basically, these are the trailers of TV series and movies, the same ones that we could and can see at the top of the screen by previewing a title. It should also be said that each trailer viewed by a user between episodes will not be random but optimized according to their tastes and previous views. Netflix has also stated that, and this is not the case in Italy, if our account has been chosen for the test of advertisements you can go to the home page of the official site and from the menu disable the item “participation in tests and previews”. In this way we won’t see the trailers between series.
Why did Netflix choose to test these ads on its products within the playback of TV shows? Simple, in the future the company is counting on significantly reducing the number of non-original products within its catalog, so at this stage it is trying to attract as many people as possible to watch its original movies or TV shows. In the United States, however, this choice has been negatively received by users who have felt betrayed compared to the freedom of viewing they had previously and several people have also cancelled their subscriptions.