Narcos 3: Final season release date revealed

Coming in the next few weeks the highly anticipated new episodes of Narcos: Mexico 3. Here’s where and when to see the latest stories

In the next few weeks Narcos: Mexico fans will finally have the chance to see the new episodes. The coronavirus has also greatly slowed down the filming and airing of the new episodes, but now we’re really there: just a few more weeks of waiting and the drug trade will be back in the home of every Netflix subscriber.

Narcos: Mexico is a TV series initially created as a continuation of the mother series Narcos, it was supposed to be the fourth season, but then something changed. Narcos: Mexico evolved as an independent series, breaking away to become a true spin-off. Of detective genre, it was created and produced by Doug Miro and Carlo Bernard, in 2018 and so far has collected two seasons. Siamo in attesa dei nuovi episodi. Nei primi due capitoli della serie le vicende sono incentrate sul Cartello di Guadalajara in Messico. Personaggio principale è finora stato Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo che negli anni ‘80 acquisisce il controllo e diventa responsabile dell’ascesa di questa organizzazione criminale.

Narcos: Messico 3 il teaser

Quella che andremo a vedere a partire dal 5 novembre sarà la stagione finale di Narcos: Messico cosi come annunciato nei 48 secondi di teaser diffusi poche ore fa su Netflix. Ci si dovrà preparare per il colpo finale cosi come suggerisce una voce femminile che accompagna il video. Immagini di azione e di violenza si susseguono nei pochi secondi a disposizione e la voce fuoricampo di una donna dice che “La guerra si diffonde come il fuoco, ma non importa quanto velocemente bruci, la musica continua a suonare”.

Bunkers full of drugs and money, fights and confusing shootouts ensue in the few seconds of the teaser, which stops at a man setting off a bazooka during a chase. An adrenaline-fueled introduction to the third season, there is no doubt.

Plot and new entries in the cast of Narcos: Mexico 3

The big absentee in the cast of this third season is Diego Luna absolute protagonist in the role of Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo in the first two. Exited the scene in the finale of the second chapter was arrested by the Mexican government. Used as an attempt to demonstrate his commitment to the fight against drug trafficking and cartels, Felix would become the cornerstone of the free trade agreement. From prison he would unveil deals with the drug world and the emergence of additional cartels for what would come to be known as a full-blown Mexican drug war.

Three new faces join the established cast. Luis Gerardo Méndez will play Victor Tapia an enigmatic cop involved in a series of dastardly murders. Then we have Luisa Rubino who will play Andrea Nuñez, an ambitious journalist with high moral values who wants to fight to expose corruption: she will soon realize how difficult a mission it is. Ismael called ‘El Mayo’ Zambada is instead an independent drug trafficker, shrewd and reserved, who will have the face of Alberto Guerra.