My PS4 Life: how to make a video of your gaming experience

“My PS4 Life” is a video that summarizes your five years of playing on the PlayStation 4 and shows the best moments and trophies earned

It’s been five years since the official launch of the PlayStation 4 and Sony wanted to celebrate the event by launching the “My PS4 Life” initiative. As many of you may have noticed, from this weekend you can create a video with all the best moments you’ve experienced with your console. The video in question is called “My PS4 Life”.

All those who are subscribed to the PlayStation Network (Sony’s online platform for multiplayer gaming) can request the video and will receive it by email. Sony’s goal is to make the content go viral on social media and show how many users spend at least a couple of hours of their lives in front of the console every day. The initiative seems to have been very liked by gamers, so much so that there are thousands of videos posted on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #myps4life. Within the video users can choose to show very interesting statistics such as hours spent on a particular game or the percentage of rare trophies received.

How to get the video MyPs4Life

The procedure to follow to make your own personal video MyPS4Life is very simple: just log in with your PSN account on the site dedicated to the event and wait a few minutes that is sent to your inbox. Once you receive the movie, you can share it on your social profiles, or send it via WhatsApp to your friends.

How to find out the number of players on a video game

The MyLifePS4 video shows some very interesting information. In addition to the hours spent on a given video game, you can find out the rarest trophy obtained and the percentage of players who have unlocked the same objective. An American user, combining this information and downloading from Twitter and Facebook all the videos containing the hastag #mylifeps4, has managed to calculate the number of people who have played a video game. This is an estimate, since the data is approximated by default or by excess, but it allows you to get an idea of the success of a video game. For example, Fallout 76, one of the most talked about titles of the year, has been played by a little more than 400,000 people, a number far below expectations. To have a yardstick of comparison, GTA V has totaled a number of players over 50 million.