Microsoft Edge now has a price comparator

A new section of Edge allows us to more easily find the best price for the products we are looking for online

The next few weeks are shaping up to be very hot for online shopping: first the Amazon Prime Day on October 13-14, then Black Friday on November 27 and cyber Monday on November 30 and, finally, the Christmas holidays. In these days to find the right price for the products we want to buy will be important but difficult and Microsoft, through the Edge browser, has decided to give us a hand.

With version 86 of Microsoft Edge, in fact, debuts the price comparator integrated into the browser: a special section where, when we are viewing the web page of a product, we can automatically find other sales pages of the same object with different prices. Edge, in essence, will do the research and price comparison for us and will let us see all the best offers in one place on the screen, without having to search for them in a special comparison site. We can then continue to browse and add products that interest us, so we can build a sort of shopping list.

How does Edge’s price comparator work

In practice, the price comparator is a column in the right side of the Edge, the same side where today we can open, for example, collections of Web pages. And, in fact, this comparator is very similar to a collection (we’ll have to enter the product we’re interested in manually) only that it offers a special button to search for other cheaper prices.

In practice we’ll have our list of products on the right and, under each of them, a button that we can press to get four more price offers (from other sales sites) for the same product. Edge will also tell us which site is offering the product at a lower price and will allow us to add the relevant Web page to the comparison collection.

So, to recap, we can browse the Web as usual and, when we find something that interests us, save it in our shopping list. At this point we can see if the same product can be found on other sites at a lower price and, if there is, add those sites (without even having to visit them) to the collection/shopping list. Very convenient.

Edge Price Comparator: when it arrives

At the moment, the price comparator is being released for the American versions of Microsoft Edge and only works with US sales sites. Microsoft hasn’t given any official communication about a possible release in other countries, but it’s very likely that sooner or later this feature will be extended to Europe, including Italy.