Jobot, the low-cost robot for the Italian Industry 4.0

Jobot is an all-rounder robot, created in Italy, that is able to record maps and move inside industries and factories interacting with employees

Italian companies are about to be revolutionized by an important novelty, in October in fact will arrive inside the factories Jobot. It is a low-cost “all-rounder” robot that will carry out its actions autonomously, collaborating with the employees of our small and medium-sized companies.

Jobot is the result of a project that lasted over a year and was born from the collaboration between the “Enrico Piaggio” Research Center of the University of Pisa and Eutronica, the newco created by a group of companies that adhere to the “Percorsi Erratici” network established by the Chambers of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna. But what specifically is this Italian robot able to do? Simple, Jobot knows how to move within a precise environment because after a tour of inspection it immediately acquires the map. It can also optimize its movements based on sudden obstacles, plus it alerts employees to potential areas of danger.

Jobot the Italian robot for SMEs

Lucia Pallottino, deputy director of the “Enrico Piaggio” Research Center, said that they have already received several requests for Jobot from Italian companies and SMEs, and that shipments will start in October 2017. Companies interested in Jobot will have to spend about 10 thousand euros to have the all-rounder robot inside their factories. At the moment, robots similar to Jobot, in terms of development and functions, cost about three times as much. From the Research Center “Enrico Piaggio” have also made it known that the robot will soon undergo further development with new technologies that will lead it to interact not only with employees, but also with other machines and other robots.
