A patent would reveal the Cupertino company’s intention to launch an applephone capable of supporting two phone numbers
Apple would be working on a new technology to be implemented on the iPhones of the future: dual SIM support. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has in fact granted Tuesday a new patent to the Californian company for the realization of devices with two phone cards.
A novelty that has no precedent and that stands in contrast especially with the latest movements of the company based in Cupertino. Apple, in fact, is trying to reduce as much as possible the ports on its devices, as confirmed by the decision to remove the 3.5 mm audio jack from the iPhone 7. Alla base di questa scelta ci sono diverse ragioni che vanno dalla possibilità di integrare nuovi sensori alla necessità di creare dispositivi sempre più sottili e, allo stesso tempo, resistenti all’acqua e alla polvere. Quindi, sembra poco probabile che Apple adotti questa nuova tecnologia sull’iPhone 8, il prossimo top di gamma che sarà presentato in autunno.
iPhone dual SIM, perché?
Le motivazioni che si nascondono dietro a questa mossa, apparentemente non in linea con gli standard di Apple, sono diverse. Per cominciare, come spesso accade in questi casi, non è detto che poi la tecnologia depositata venga realmente implementata sui prossimi iPhone.
Fonte foto: Veniamin Geskin/Twitter
Le indiscrezioni sul nuovo iPhone 8 si susseguono a ritmo quasi giornaliero. Click on the image to read the latest news
This is just a patent and as such could eventually remain. Apple, however, has always stood out for dictating the timing of hi-tech revolutions in recent years. It is likely, in fact, that Cupertino envisions a future where users will be able to choose whether to connect to the network using 4G connection or the new 5G standard.
iPhone with virtual SIM?”
According to other rumors, which have been circulating for years, Apple is planning to replace the physical Sim with a virtual one. In this view, the dual-sim technology would not go to cause space problems on future iPhones. In the new patent presented in April 2015 Cupertino, in fact, hints at the electronic card that could accompany the traditional one.