Instagram Stories update: Boomerang and mentions arrive

The social network has released a new version, now you will be able to create a small video with multi-shot and mention another user in your Story

The success of Instagram’s “Stories” feature, just a few months after its release, has convinced the social to relaunch. In the latest update, available on the App Store, Google Play and Windows Store, there will be several new features. From mentions to the long-awaited Boomerang effect.

The latter is definitely a feature that will entertain the most passionate users of the Stories section of Instagram. It involves recreating a video by taking multiple photos. Opening the camera inside the Stories section will appear, in fact, this “the Boomerang effect”. If we choose the latter we will trigger the multiple shot to create a small video or a funny GIF to publish and share with friends. Il video verrà composto in automatico senza bisogno di compiere nessuna azione. Come per le foto scattate con la funzione classica di Storie la durata per la visualizzazione è di 24 ore.

Le menzioni sulle Storie

instagram-stories-boomerang.jpgFonte foto: Web

Ecco come funzionano le menzioni sulle storie di Instagram

Oltre alla novità Boomerang Instagram ha inserito nelle foto delle Storie anche la possibilità di citare qualcuno. Funziona esattamente come nei commenti. Per far ricevere la notifica a un nostro amico della nostra nuova Storia basta menzionarlo sulla foto usando la @ seguita dal nome del suo account. Le notifiche si ricevono in diretta a meno che chi vi menziona non sia un vostro amico. If you don’t follow who mentions you then the mention will show up among the message request notifications.

The debut of links in Stories

The last feature introduced is about the ability to insert links below Stories. This new feature will currently not be available for all users. But only for the verified ones. It will allow you to link your Story photo with a website or webpage. Instagram has not yet let us know if after the initial trial period this feature will be expanded to all accounts or not.

Everything you need to know about Instagram

Did you know that on Instagram you will be able to buy sponsored products? Or that you can even upload images taken with your digital camera? Here are all our guides on how to make the best use of your Instagram account.

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How to upload camera images to Instagram

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