Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook e Amazon hanno dato vita a un’associazione per portare avanti ricerche riguardanti l’intelligenza artificiale
Una santa alleanza con un obiettivo ben preciso: assicurare un futuro roseo all’intelligenza artificiale. Questo l’obiettivo di “Partnership on AI” associazione creata da big cinque grandi aziende dell’ICT: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft e IBM.
È la prima volta che aziende di queste dimensioni fanno fronte comune e danno vita a un ente capace di essere un punto di riferimento per il mondo della ricerca. L’obiettivo non è creare un’associazione che detti le regole da seguire, ma che sia un luogo dove gli studiosi possano confrontarsi e trovare nuove soluzioni per l’intelligenza artificiale. All five companies have an internal division dedicated specifically to artificial intelligence: this association will serve to make the latest scientific discoveries more quickly disseminated.
Apple and OpenAI stay out
Elon Musk
Despite the presence of large Silicon Valley giants, the absence of Apple and OpenAI makes quite a bit of noise. The Cupertino-based company could join the association in the coming months – Apple has been a key presence in the industry’s growth in recent years, along with IBM and Amazon. While OpenAI is the creature financed by Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla Motors and always worried about the risks of artificial intelligence.
What is artificial intelligence used for
Despite the doubts of many scholars about the future of artificial intelligence, at the moment the technology is used only in restricted areas: machine learning systems, smart keyboards, voice assistants and home automation systems. The sector, however, is experiencing rapid growth and in recent years the share of investment is increasing more and more (OpenIA has more than a billion funds available for its research). For Silicon Valley companies, artificial intelligence is an opportunity not to be missed and the “Partnership on AI” is just the first step towards a brighter future.