How to use WhatsApp on two numbers with the same phone

To have two WhatsApp accounts on the same smartphone, you need to install applications that allow you to clone WhatsApp. Here’s how to do it

More and more companies are producing smartphones where you can insert two SIM cards. A very useful feature, especially for those who have a private number and one dedicated exclusively to work. Through the settings of the smartphone you can decide with which SIM to make calls, with which to send SMS and browse the Internet.

One thing that you can not do, however, is to have two WhatsApp accounts on the same smartphone. The messaging application, in fact, does not allow you to simultaneously govern two profiles: during the registration phase, the user must choose which number to use for their WhatsApp profile. How to use two WhatsApp accounts on the same smartphone? There are applications for Android and iOS smartphones that allow you to duplicate applications and use two different profiles at the same time. Lately, many manufacturers integrate this feature directly into the Android smartphone software and allow users to manage two WhatsApp accounts on the same device, but it is not always possible.

How to have two WhatsApp accounts on Android smartphone

If you have an Android smartphone, creating a second WhatsApp profile is very simple: just install an app that clones the messaging application. On the Google Play Store there are many that perform this task, we suggest two: Parallel Space and Dual Space – Multiple Accounts & App Cloner.

The two applications work in a very similar way: they create a virtual space inside the smartphone in which to install any application. As for WhatsApp, after installing it in the virtual space and creating the second account, a second icon will appear on the home screen, which differs from the main one by the name given to the application (for example “WhatsApp 2”). Switching from one WhatsApp profile to another is immediate and very simple: the only drawback is the battery consumption, which increases significantly. In addition to the two WhatsApp profiles, the smartphone must also manage the virtual space created by Parallel Space or Dual Space – Multiple Accounts & App Cloner.

In some cases, the apps may require root permissions in order to work: if you are not able to unlock your device we recommend that you give up and buy a second smartphone to install WhatsApp.

How to have two WhatsApp accounts on the iPhone

On the iPhone the issue is much more complicated and concerns only three models, the only ones to have a second SIM slot (an eSIM actually): iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max and iPhone Xr. Despite the presence of an eSim, Apple has not integrated a system to clone apps into iOS. And even the solutions on the App Store are not reliable. How to use two WhatsApp accounts on the iPhone? You should jailbreak your smartphone, which means that you can install applications that are not on Apple’s online store. However, jailbreaking involves the loss of warranty, as well as being very dangerous.

If you have two SIM cards associated with your iPhone Xs, our advice is not to duplicate WhatsApp and in case to buy a second device where you can install WhatsApp and create a new profile.