Tired of receiving useless messages from mailing lists you’ve ended up – willingly or unwillingly – on? Or other annoying emails? Here’s the solution!
Indian blogger and programmer Amit Agarwal used Unroll.me, like many other users, to unroll in one go the newsletters and other messages that came to him on Gmail and that didn’t interest him. Until one day he discovered a detail about this free service that he didn’t like at all.
He noticed that Unroll.me was asking for full access to his Gmail inbox and all of his Google contacts, but he thought that was normal for a service that aims to automatically remove his email from mailing lists. Then, one day, the New York Times discovered that Unroll.me was selling Uber all the information of Lyft users, one of its competitors in the United States. So he decided to solve the problem of unsubscribing from the lists on his own through a script that he integrated into a simple spreadsheet in Google Drive. And it’s offering it for free to users.
How Gmail Unsubscriber Works
First of all, Amit Agarwal is keen to point out that his Gmail Unsubscriber doesn’t provide any of your Gmail account information to third parties, and it works from any email client, including desktop and mobile applications. If Gmail Unsubscriber finds an “unsubscribe” link, the script opens the link and your subscription is automatically unsubscribed. If the sender requests that you send a message to a particular email address to unsubscribe, the script for Gmail takes care of that, too. Here’s how it works.
1. Click this link to copy the Gmail Unsubscriber spreadsheet to your Google Drive. Ti verrà chiesto se “Vuoi effettuare una copia di labnol’s Gmail Unsubscriber?“, premi Crea una copia: troverai lo spreadsheet nel tuo Drive.
2. Nella barra dei menu del foglio di calcolo premi Gmail Unsubscriber e seleziona Configure. Questa operazione consente allo script di accedere al tuo account Gmail: premi Continua e accetta le richieste di Gmail Unsubscriber con un clic su Consenti. Si apre una casella pop-up in cui scegliere il nome dell’etichetta per le mailing list da annullare. Per impostazione predefinita è ” Unsubscribe“. Completa l’operazione con un clic su Save configuration e poi su Close Window.
3. Adesso vai su Gmail, seleziona il messaggio della mailing list da annullare e dal menu Etichette impostala come Unsubscribe e premi Applica. Lo script di Amit Agarwal si mette al lavoro e nel giro di 15 minuti sarai cancellato dalla mailing list in questione: vedrai le informazioni dell’email di cui ti volevi sbarazzare nel foglio di calcolo.
Fonte foto: Amit Agarwal | Digital Inspiration
Gmail Unsubscriber non è infallibile, ma è sicuramente un aiuto per fare un po’ di pulizia nella tua casella di posta elettronica