How to ensure the security of company smartphones

Protecting computers and internal networks is not enough to ensure the security of a company, here’s how to increase the defenses also on company phones

In the company we often focus our efforts to secure computers and internal networks from cyber attacks. This is certainly a commendable action. But many business owners forget to protect their phones as well. Yet these are the devices that are most targeted by hackers.

To increase the cyber defenses of our SMEs, it is therefore essential to also protect the smartphones that are used within the company. In the past, the tablets and phones used by companies focused a lot on security with highly sophisticated software. Over time, however, manufacturers, in order to make it easier for employees to use smartphones and tablets, have decreased their cybersecurity efforts to focus more on intuitive applications and programs that help staff interact with machinery and production processes. That’s why every business owner must provide, in part on their own, for securing various company smartphones.

Mass Settings

One of the first steps is to configure settings for all company phones. This way, professionals who specialize in securing company systems will take care of increasing the privacy and defense of employee apps and programs. Leaving this in the hands of the employees can be very risky and can facilitate the attacks of a hacker.

COPE devices

For employees it is preferable to use phones with Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (COPE) system. These allow separating the applications and information saved by the employee during working hours from those recorded or downloaded during leisure time. In a sense, this method allows employees to avoid using two or more phones, but it will be critical to train staff and educate them on how not to confuse personal information with business information. Businesses can control the data entered into these phones, but only in the portion of memory designated for the business. These COPE phones increase security because even remotely, a cybersecurity expert can remove a malicious app or program from the employee’s device.

Constant Updates

Leading operating system providers update their software several times a year to include new security features and to implement tools designed specifically for businesses. In an environment like an SMB, an up-to-date operating system will help IT teams ensure that employees are equipped with the latest features to protect company data. In short, automatically updating apps and operating systems is critical to prevent workers from running into a hacker attack, thereby putting the entire enterprise at risk.