All the activities performed on Facebook are saved within the Registry present on your profile: here’s how to do to delete search history
With the advent of social networks, the defense of privacy has become increasingly important. Especially on Facebook, the social platform we use the most during the day. There are many features and services offered by Mark Zuckerberg’s social network: from a simple virtual square where we could meet distant friends, Facebook has become an increasingly cumbersome presence in our lives. We use it to do anything: write to our friends, share images and videos and carry out research. Any action taken on the social network is saved in the “memory” of your profile, a bit ‘as happens with the history of the browser.
To be able to check at any time what you have searched on Facebook is certainly a useful feature, but also a problem for privacy. The reason is very simple: if a hacker or a friend of ours took possession of our Facebook profile, they would find out what we have searched in the last period. But that’s not all: by entering the Activity Log they would have access to all our innermost secrets. Fortunately, Facebook provides a very simple tool that allows you to delete your search history: here’s how it works.
How to delete search history on Facebook
Facebook’s search history can be checked at any time by the user: just press on the hole at the top with the writing “Search” to see on the screen everything we have searched in the last period. If we want to protect our privacy, the social network also offers us the possibility to delete the search history on Facebook. The procedure to follow is very simple.
First, log in to your account and then press on the top of the hole where it says “Search”. You’ll see all the searches you’ve done in the last period plus the words “Edit”. By pressing on this item, you will land on the “Activity Log” page, where there are all the actions done on the social network. At the top you’ll also find the entry “Delete Searches”: pressing it will open a confirmation mask with the following message “Your search history helps us to show you better results when you search. Remember, only you can see your searches”. Clicking on “Clear searches” will clear your Facebook history.