Gruppi Facebook: sono arrivati gli esperti

Con il nuovo badge trovare persone competenti su un argomento diventa più facile, con le nuove funzioni condividere la propria conoscenza diventa più efficace.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

I gruppi Facebook sono già da tempo un luogo dove condividere le proprie passioni e interessi, dove scambiare opinioni su temi specifici e anche dove trovare informazioni. Now Facebook wants to increase their potential by introducing the badge for “experts“.

The badge allows you to easily identify a user particularly competent on one or more topics related to the group and, in essence, creates a new figure within it that is halfway between the common user participant and administrators. Administrators have the task to assign, and possibly revoke, the badge and the badge, in turn, can be accepted or rejected by the user indicated by the administrator as an expert. Along with the badge Facebook is also introducing other features to make groups more useful to users. All these new features are being released globally, but will arrive at different times.

Expert badge: how it works

A group administrator can search within the list of members for a user and assign him the expert badge. The user will receive the notification and will be able to accept or refuse the badge.

If he/she accepts it, then the badge will appear below his/her name in every post published on that group (and only in those). This way, other users will immediately know that the opinions expressed by the user with the badge are more credible than those of other users.

In addition, Facebook is testing a second possibility within the gaming and fitness sectors: the possibility to self-declare experts on a topic. A user who declares himself an expert does not receive any badge, but he can appear in the search for experts made by the administrator of a group.

So the administrator can invite him to join the group, field test his skills and, if they are real, assign him the badge. In this way it is easier to populate a group with experts and have the same experts participate in more similar groups.

Other functions for experts

Facebook will focus a lot on the figure of the expert in groups and you can already understand it, looking at the features to make experts interact with the rest of the community.

An expert can for example launch a question and answer session, which will be automatically formatted by Facebook with a graphic similar to that of Stories, so easy to navigate.

It will then be possible to interact with experts within Live Audio Rooms, which will also arrive in groups.

Finally, even the ordinary user will be able to ask a question within the group and see it automatically formatted by Facebook so that it attracts more attention from other users who might respond.

These features are not yet available, but will arrive by the end of the summer.