Decryptor is a no-cost tool to “unlock” data encrypted by Jigsaw ransomware. It doesn’t hurt to try.
Decryptor was made and released by developer Michael Gillespie specifically for victims of Jigsaw “ransomware”. If you have also been affected by this ransomware, the only option you have is to try using the Decryptor which, apparently, works.
Thanks to Michael Gillespie, and those like him, who work to lend a hand to ransomware victims in general is in order. The decryptor is available for free download from the Bleeping Computer website where there is also a support forum for victims of this infamous Jigsaw. Michael Gillespie, the developer who found a way to decrypt documents locked by the Jigsaw cryptovirus has also pledged to update his Decryptor in case any variants of the ransomware in question pop up. Its tool is also capable of “unlocking” some variants of the trojans such as Invisible Empire, CryptoHitman and Not-Safe-For-Work (NSFW).
The world rebels against ransomware
Jigsaw cryptovirus encrypts files by adding the following extensions:, .kkk, .btc, .gws, .porn, .pornoransom, .payransom, .paybtcs, .AFD, .payms, .pays, .paym, .paymrss, .payrms, .paymts, .paymds, .paymrts, .epc. Michael Gillespie has made his Decryptor available for free but, as Bleeping Computer, which hosts it for download, points out, he has spent time and resources studying and developing this sort of antiransomware antidote. Se lo usate, e riuscite a rientrare in possesso dei file che pensate persi per sempre e non avevate alcuna intenzione di pagare il riscatto in Bitcoin, potreste ringraziare Michael con una donazione a vostra discrezione tramite Paypal utilizzando il link presente nella pagine di download del Decryptor.
Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker
Cliccando sui link che seguono, invece, potrete scoprire suggerimenti, alcuni più tecnici altri più alla portata di tutti, riguardanti la sicurezza informatica e scoprire le tipologie di attacchi più comuni: dagli attacchi DDoS al phishing, passando per le botnet.
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