EyeQue, the smartphone takes care of the eye examination

The device, being launched on Kickstarter, uses a small microscope and the smartphone touchscreen to perform a visual efficiency test

Nowadays there is more and more attention to eye diseases and to the remedies to solve them. It must also be said that a world full of screens does not always help our eyes. On Kickstarter, EyeQue has been launched, a tool to test your eyesight with your smartphone.

An app to check your eyesight.

A study published in Optometry and Vision Science, the official journal of the American Academy of Optometry, speaks quite clearly: about 1% of the world’s population (1 in 90 people to be precise) suffers from correctable eye diseases. To allow everyone to have an idea about the state of health of their eyes, the startup EyeQue has developed a device – a small microscope – that allows you to perform an eye examination at home, using the display of your smartphone. A test that allows you to check the efficiency of our eyes and know if it is time to contact a specialist for a more accurate and thorough examination.

How does the eye examination with the smartphone work?

Doing the eye test with the smartphone and the EyeQue app, is quite simple. Just apply the small microscope on the device’s display and then align the lines, one green and one red, with one hand. In this way the app can guess any refractive error measurements, which are used to identify some problems, such as myopia or hyperopia. After each test, the app offers us a report that can be evaluated and compared with the tests done previously. Per effettuare un test non serve uno smartphone di ultimissima generazione.

(tratto da Kickstarter)

Lo scopo di EyeQue

L’azienda sviluppatrice di EyeQue ha dichiarato che il loro scopo non è quello di sostituire i controlli medici per la vista. Anzi John Serri, chief technology officer dell’applicazione, ha dichiarato che il loro strumento va considerato come un metodo per la prevenzione, come lavarsi i denti o la cura dell’igiene personale. Fare spesso il test può darci alcune informazioni importanti sulla nostra vista e se notiamo un minimo calo o abbiamo dei dubbi la prima cosa da fare è rivolgersi a un medico. La società sta anche lavorando per portare l’app nelle zone meno sviluppate del globo per offrire un primo strumento per la valutazione della vista alle persone più disagiate. EyeQue ha anche ricevuto un premio al CES 2017 come uno dei prodotti biotecnologici più innovativi.


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