Digitale Terrestre: le novità di metà giugno

Anche in questi giorni si segnalano emittenti che arrivano e che spariscono sulla piattaforma digitale terrestre, ma anche qualche novità su tivùsat: ecco cosa è cambiato.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

While there is a heated discussion about the possibility of postponing the switch off to the second generation digital terrestrial by at least one year, to give more time to viewers to buy a DVB-T2 compatible TV and to broadcasters to update their transmission systems, the moves of channels in various MUXes, from North to South, continue also in June.

As usual, there are both news at regional and local level, and at national level, both for TV and radio broadcasters. There is also some small movement on the tivùsat satellite platform, while the expansion of the offer available through the HbbTV technology continues silently. This technology alone could potentially revolutionize the way Italians watch television and access additional and interactive content.

Digitale terrestre: what has changed

Starting from the MUXes with national coverage, the Romanian broadcaster Rochannel Diaspora (LCN 828) has arrived on the Retecapri MUX. This station, dedicated to the Romanian community in Italy, will also broadcast in HbbTV standard (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV): through the Internet connection of the smart TV or decoder it will be possible to interact live with the broadcaster. At the moment Rochannel Diaspora just invites users to activate HbbTV, but does not actively exploit this technology.

As for the regional MUXes, instead, there are news in Piedmont: from the MUX Telenova the broadcaster 96 has disappeared from LCN 697, but remains at LCN 96. In the same MUX Telenova 5 now no longer broadcasts at LCN 624, where there is now a duplicate of Telenova 4 (also present at 298 and 663).

Still in Piedmont, but in the MUX radio CR DAB, two new stations have arrived: radio GRP Melody and GRP Tre.

In Sicily, in the MUX Retecapri C (which broadcasts in the area of Messina), the station La Tr3 has been inserted, a station from Trapani which broadcasts during some hours of the day the programming of Universe TV.

Tivùsat: what has changed

Small changes also on the free satellite platform tivùsat, with two new TVs and a new radio available.

At LCN 809 viewers will now find Paci Contemporary Channel, a television dedicated to art and the art market. At LCN 62, on the other hand, comes the all news station Giornale Radio TV.

Finally, as far as radios are concerned, at 628 there is now Radio Sintony.