All against the Cashback and the undersecretary would like to cancel it, but how many are really the furbettis? They tell us the official data.
the polemics on the Cashback and, above all, on the Super Cashback that would have to reward the first 100 thousand Italians who have made more electronic transactions within end June but that, very probably, it will go to reward the more “furbetti”. Faced with a controversy that stems mainly from the Super Cashback, however, to make the costs could be the ordinary Cashback, the one from 150 euros maximum.
The latest proposal that goes in this direction comes from the undersecretary at the Ministry of Economy Claudio Durigon that, in an interview with Il Messaggero, said clearly want to cancel the Cashback and want to move the 2.5-3 billion euro already allocated to the program on other measures to support the economy, in particular to the relief for traders. Merchants who, in recent weeks, have in turn strongly criticized Cashback because the costs of electronic transactions are all charged to the merchant. Tutto questo, infine, va guardato insieme ai numeri ufficiali del Cashback, che ci dicono che i furbetti ci sono di sicuro, ma non sono poi così tanti come si potrebbe credere.
Cashback: la proposta Durigon
Rispondendo al noto quotidiano romano il sottosegretario non ha nascosto affatto la sua idea sul Cashback: “La mia proposta è di terminare la misura a luglio. Potremmo risparmiare 2,5-3 miliardi di euro che potremmo lasciare al Parlamento per rafforzare le risposte alle categorie in crisi nel Decreto Sostegni“.
Tutto resterebbe, quindi, esattamente come è oggi fino alla fine naturale del primo periodo del Cashback ordinario 2021 (1 gennaio – 30 giugno). At the end of this period there would also be the extraction of the 100,000 prizes of 1,500 euros, but then nothing: from July to December no second period of Cashback.
Cashback data
On the IO app website you can read all the numbers of the State Cashback, which are frequently updated and offer an accurate picture of what is happening. As of today, there are 8 million registered users of Cashback (6.9 million with valid transactions for Cashback purposes), while 318 million are the electronic transactions processed by PagoPA (255 million those of the first period of ordinary Cashback only).
These are quite high numbers, indicating that many Italians are participating in the initiative wanted by the previous government to stimulate the use of electronic payment methods at the expense of cash.
At this point, however, the question to be asked is: how many are the smart ones? Per scoprirlo basta guardare, ancora una volta, ai dati di IO, questa volta al numero di transazioni per importo. Leggendo i dati si scopre che la maggior parte delle transazioni registrate non sono micro pagamenti da pochi centesimi ma hanno un importo tra 24 e 50 euro.
Su 318 milioni di pagamenti processati, infatti, ben 57 milioni hanno questi importi. Ma non solo: le transazioni di importo superiore a 50 euro sono ben 48 milioni, quindi quasi un terzo del totale dei pagamenti non è affatto attribuibile ai cosiddetti “furbetti“.
Per trovare i pagamenti sospetti, infatti, dobbiamo cercarli tra quelli con importi molto bassi. IO fornisce solo il dato aggregato sui pagamenti entro 5 euro: sono 31 milioni, circa il 10% del totale dei pagamenti processati. In this 10% we have to look for the fraudsters, who will certainly be less, because that share includes many regular payments of less than 5 euros: from breakfast at the bar to bread at the bakery.
What’s happening in July
Faced with great controversy about Cashback, Super Cashback and fraudsters, therefore, the data tell us that the program is taking place in a regular way. This is also why, as Undersecretary Durigon himself confirms, no decision has yet been made on the second period of State Cashback.