Amazon, the clothes of the future will be designed by an AI algorithm

The algorithm, developed by Amazon Lab126, employs an innovative artificial intelligence technique, known in jargon by the abbreviation GAN

Do you often renew your wardrobe following the fashion of the period? Then you should take a look at Amazon’s latest technology. The e-commerce giant is experimenting with a system based on artificial intelligence and capable of designing clothes by processing photos.

This is an AI tool that could revolutionize online shopping in the future. The algorithm, developed by Amazon Lab126, employs an innovative artificial intelligence technique, known in the jargon by the abbreviation GAN (acronym for generative adversarial network). GAN systems work by making two neural networks “clash”. The results obtained from this opposition are then used in advanced learning. In this way, the machine learns by analyzing the data produced by the opposition of two artificial “minds”. Basically, to understand it, it’s like comparing the ideas of two people and considering the end result.

Amazon’s algorithm

Let’s go back to Amazon’s idea. Using the GAN technique, the algorithm can design clothes through the analysis of multiple images. By comparing multiple photographs, in fact, the system produces a garment. The algorithm moves, to create the models, putting together the style present in the processed photographs. A very smart solution that in the future could lead Amazon to become a reference point for those looking for fashionable clothes.

Will it revolutionize online shopping?

The algorithm, for example, could copy the trends of the moment, sifting through the photos posted by users on the internet. The thought immediately runs to social, on which many images can be found. The algorithm will be able to design clothes respecting the current fashion and not only. Amazon could use it, in fact, also to anticipate the tastes of its customers.