Amazon launches the challenge to Netflix: Prime Video lands in Italy

The company will expand its video streaming service in 200 countries at a very competitive price compared to the rival, for now exclusively will have The Grand Tour

He who is content enjoys, only half. A phrase that is at heart at home Amazon: the e-commerce company, in fact, is not enough to be one of the world leaders in online shopping, the new goal is the war on Netflix in streaming video. And from December, the Amazon Prime Video service will also be available in Italy.

Amazon is betting everything on streaming video. Not surprisingly, this mode was not available in all countries. From next month, however, Amazon wants to do things in a big way. Su Twitter, in un video condiviso dalla pagina del programma automobilistico The Grand Tour, i presentatori Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond e James May (noti per aver creato Top Gear) hanno annunciato che tramite Prime Video la serie sarà disponibile in oltre 200 nazione. E tra queste l’Italia. Ovviamente la serie sarà in esclusiva solo per gli utenti Prime di Amazon.

Amazon e la guerra a Netflix

serie-esclusive.jpgFonte foto: Redazione

Alcune delle serie in esclusiva per gli utenti di Amazon Prime Video

L’allargamento del servizio è solo il primo passo. Netflix a gennaio 2016 era passato da 60 nazioni a 130. Nei prossimi mesi Amazon ha fortemente intenzione di incrementare la sua offerte di video straming. Per questo l’azienda di e-commerce sta lavorando alacremente per la produzione di contenuti originali ed esclusivi. An aspect not so complicated given its already strong ties with the world of cinema and TV series both locally and internationally. It’s hard to know which service between Video Prime and Netflix will take over in the coming years. But some clues about the price point in favor of Amazon.

Amazon and the lowering of costs

In the logic of the free market, Amazon’s entry as a strong competitor to Netflix could bring an advantage for users: a lowering of costs. Amazon with Prime Video will enter the global market with very competitive prices. In India for example, the company has concluded partnerships with Bollywood producers and the national cricket league and will lower the annual price to $15. In the Indian country Netflix instead costs between $90 and $140. A drop also in the U.S. where Prime will go from $99 to $79 as well as in England where the service goes from £79 to £59. And in Italy? It’s not clear yet but it’s possible the service will cost from 6 to 8 euros per month.

The video in the opening is taken from Twitter

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