Instagram, the photos to avoid in order not to lose followers

Do you want to know how to increase Instagram followers fast? First of all think about how not to lose the ones you already have

Social media manager, instagramer, simple photography enthusiast or complete neophyte does not matter. All (or almost) users who decide to join Instagram do so with a very specific purpose: to be able to increase the number of followers in the shortest time possible and carve out a little place in the sun.

The advice on how to increase Instagram followers, of course, are wasted but not all are really effective. Yet one of the simplest tricks to succeed on Instagram is often ignored (or silenced): don’t lose followers. If you manage to create a good fan base and “keep it” with ad hoc photos posted at the right time, you will have taken the first step towards success on Instagram. In order to avoid ruining the work done previously, however, it is always better to avoid these 6 types of posts: you would risk, in one fell swoop, to lose the trust of even the most loyal followers and suddenly find yourself with a fistful of flies.


Everybody, more or less, has lied at least once on social networks. And Instagram is no exception: there are thousands of “fictional” photos and it’s anything but difficult to come across one. This, of course, is not a problem, unless it becomes the norm: the risk you run is to build a life parallel to the one you lead, for the sole use and consumption of those who follow our profile. So, if at first insta-blames could help us to increase the number of followers, in the medium and long term they would be counterproductive. In short, avoid telling too many lies, it goes to your credibility and the success of your profile.

Overdose of selfie

Some self-shot, from time to time, there can also be. But be careful not to exaggerate: if you want to grow Instagram followers in a constant way it will be better to vary as much as possible the types of images posted. Too many selfies, as well as “condemning” us to social overexposure, would bore the public and get the opposite result to the one we hoped for: the number of followers would drop inexorably instead of growing.

Foodporn, what a passion (counterproductive)

The speech just made for selfies is also valid for food: posting pictures of every meal you eat may not be the most appropriate tactic. Even if you were a famous food blogger (or, simply, you aspire to be one), having a profile full of photos of food is not the best way to gain Instagram followers and thus see your popularity grow. The advice, in this case, is simple: culinary photos are like salt, you just need to put enough of it.

Letting hashtags get the better of you

Adding a few hashtags in the description of the photo is more than advisable to succeed in gaining likes and followers on Instagram. Dosing them wisely, in fact, you will be able to enter the daily trend and be known, so, by a greater number of users. Adding too many, however, could also have the opposite effect: instagrammers who arrive at our profile will have the impression of a user “sick” of success and desperately looking for likes and followers. So, instead of approaching, they will end up fleeing.

Stop retouching and filters

Filters are the very essence of Instagram, but the possibility of modifying and customizing them has put a double-edged sword in the hands of users. As mentioned above, there is a risk of letting go and exceeding all limits: however “filtered” and modified, the photos must be beautiful to look at and have a well-defined and recognizable subject. Put a brake, therefore, on your mania for retouching and modifying photos: a subject that has been altered too much does not always attract the positive attention of users.

Few posts, but good ones

Have you just returned from vacation and would you like to post on Instagram all the photos you have taken? Calm down, put your smartphone aside for a second and try to think: will spamming the wall of all your followers ever lead to something good? Once you’ve found the answer to this question – if you have any doubt, it’s no – take your phone back in your hands and select only the best photos. By avoiding overdoing it with edits and filters and choosing only the most suitable hashtags, you’ll be able to increase your Instagram followers in no time.