Digital Terrestrial: channels are still changing in three regions

Another ballet of frequencies and more changes to the digital terrestrial channels: here are the broadcasters that are moving and those who have to retune decoders or TVs.

Digital terrestrial TV viewers in three regions of northern Italy in these days are again struggling with yet another change of frequencies and with the movement of broadcasters from one MUX to another. But also with the disappearance of some frequencies and entire MUXes, which have been scrapped in order to free the spectrum.

This is the umpteenth change in the set-up of the Italian DVB frequencies and it will not be the last: the dance will continue for several months, until the next steps of the switch off from DVB_T1 to DVB-T2. When the switchover to the new standard will be completed, in June 2022, the new technology will allow to broadcast more channels in fewer frequencies thus reducing the need to periodically retune decoders and TVs. Parte dello spazio lasciato libero grazie al nuovo standard verrà occupato dalla rete dati cellulare 5G. Ecco gli ultimi spostamenti di frequenze in Lombardia, Piemonte ed Emilia Romagna.

Digitale Terrestre: le variazioni in Lombardia

Le variazioni alle frequenze in Lombardia sono parecchie. Si parte con l’eliminazione dell’emittente radiofonica Radiorizzonti dal MUX Telenova: ora la radio trasmette dalle frequenze del MUX Rete 55. Sempre nel MUX Telenova l’emittente televisiva Telenova 5 (LCN 615) è diventata un duplicato di Telenova 4 (LCN 663).

Ancora in Lombardia, ma nel MUX Quenza 1, sparisce la frequenza UHF 29 che trasmetteva sulla città di Milano. Spenta anche la frequenza VHF 07, all’interno del MUX Canale Italia.

Digitale Terrestre: le variazioni in Piemonte

In Piemonte segnaliamo che è stato definitivamente spento l’intero MUX Quintarete, che già trasmetteva solo due canali (Telestudio e Quinta Rete). Its frequencies have been “routed” according to the procedure of the Ministry of Economic Development, which provides economic compensation for those who turn off repeaters and free frequencies. The two broadcasters continue to be available, but on the Primantenna MUX.

In the Telecity MUX, instead, the channels Salute e Natura (LCN 82), TRS-Evergreen (LCN 93) and Primarete (LCN 184) from the MUX La 9, which has been scrapped, arrive. Italia 8 Canale 78, on the other hand, is now broadcast in Full HD (also on the Telestar MUX)

Digitale Terrestre: changes in Emilia Romagna

Also in Emilia Romagna a MUX has been switched off: it is the Via EMilia TV MUX, which has been scrapped with the same procedure already described.

The MUX contained the channels TRC Telemodena, Telereggio, Teleromagna, Video Modena Telestar, SuperTV Lomb, Tele Reggio +1, Radioitalia, Teleromagna Shop and TR24, which have all been moved to other local frequencies.